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11:30 p.m. Nailbiters after the third printout. At least 13,000 absentee ballots remain to be counted, probably more.

State Rep Dist 11 Fontaine (R) – 48.9 Bertram (d) 46.1, 172 votes. Bertram is the incumbent.

State Rep Dist 38 Kawakami (R) 48.6 Lee (d) 48.0, 63 votes. Lee is the incumbent.

Councilmember (East Maui) Carroll 40.8 Medeiros 40.7, 50 votes

Councilmember Dist II (Honolulu) Martin 42.7 White 42.3, 112 votes

11:19 p.m. Final Results. Chang beats Turbin, 48 to 42.9 in Honolulu Council District 4. Hanabusa 49.5 vs. Djou 43.5. Abercrombie 57.8 to 40.8. Inouye 71.9 to 20.8 for Cavasso. Hirono 67.8 to 23.6. Board of Ed 57.1 in favor. Tax rebate 59.3 in favor.

10:55 p.m. Key words from Djou speech:

“Through this campaign, we gave the people of Hawaii a choice for the first time in not years but decades. There was a real choice on the ballot for the people of Hawaii. And the winners were the people of Hawaii… The final word goes to the people. The people have spoken here this evening, and the choice was not for us.

Unfortunately we fell just a little bit short. But although we fell short…I want you to know our failure this evening rests entirely on my shoulders. It is me and me alone here, all of you worked so incredibly hard, we just fell a little bit short here tonight.”

10:51 p.m. Djou takes the stage. Kind of late…Says the “failure rests entirely on my shoulders.” Gives short speech and promises a smooth transition as he leaves the office he seized in May when Democrats split their party’s vote between Hanabusa, tonight’s victor, and former Congressman Ed Case.

10:40 p.m. Here’s more of Abercrombie’s speech.

“No this campaign was not about me, it was not about another candidate, it was about change. It was about the embracing of change, working together for a common purpose, that’s what it was all about.

People who said yes, we are going to have an independent energy supply we are not going to be dependent of oil coming in from outside and sending our hard earned dollars out of the state.

Yes we are going to have food security and we’re going to grow our own food right here in Hawaii and we’re going to start going it right away.

And yes, we are going to respect the aina, we are going to respect our land, we are going to have a sustainable environment that we can all be proud of, to lead the generations to come to know that we do in fact know that the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.

We are going to see to it that our school system is one that we’re proud of again and that every child in this state .. can develop to their full potential.

We’ve had a conversation for months now and we’re going to continue to have a conversation.

…We have a message, not just a message from this campaign, but a message maybe that we can take to the mainland.  

Well what do you see tonight? You see division, you see rancor, you see people at odds with one another. You see confrontation and conflict all over the mainland. But what you see in Hawaii tonight is unity of purpose and unity of people because our diversity defines us and does not divide us.

We are united. We are the rainbow people, the Aloha state, we reach out together to pono, to do the right thing.”

10:39 p.m. Aiona is draped in colorful lei, crying and greeting supporters. When asked what his plans will be — for the transition and for his political career — he is speechless: “I can’t. I don’t have any. I don’t have any plans. I can’t talk about it.” — Adrienne LaFrance

10:25 p.m. Unseated Congressman Charles Djou prepares to offer concession speech at GOP headquarters. Meanwhile Gov. Lingle in TV interview makes clear that she’s serious about running for Senate in 2012. Says if people understood her record the vote would have been different. Of the voters, she says, “Clearly if they had judged us on our record…we would have done better tonight.” Lingle talked about “the transparency we brought to government” and her adminstration’s “historic ability” to get Native Hawaiians on native lands.

10:15 p.m. Abercrombie was on a roll tonight. Here are some of the numbers he threw out. He thanked:

  • The 400 people who went to 69,000 households…asking them to participate in our democracy.

  • The 800 Hawaiians who put their name on an ad and said, yes we’re for change.

  • The 1,000 women who put their name on an ad and said they were women for Abercrombie.

  • The 2,000 women on Oahu alone who went out sign waving.

  • The phone bank that made 15,000 calls in 21 days.

That’s what this campaign was all about, he said. — Sara Lin

10:14 p.m. Hanabusa still talking. Her win, AP says, marks 1st time Hawaii voters have ousted a congressional incumbent in 51 years since statehood.

10:12 p.m. “We are united,” Abercrombie says. “We are the rainbow people. We are family to one another. Nothing can stop us working together.”

10:10 p.m. Duke Aiona’s concession speech has extended beyond 10 minutes, and three times he’s broken into tears. He seems reluctant to give up the mic, and seems very grateful to God and his supporters. He cries as he addresses his mother: “Ma, it didn’t work out… I’ll see you in heaven when we get up there.” — Adrienne LaFrance

10:05 p.m. Abercrombie on stage. Tells of all the people he’s thinking of on this night. His parents, mother-in-law and many others. Talks of the people who worked on the campaign. Says it was about them. The grassroots effort. It’s all people, he says. The campaign was about change, about working together for a common purpose.

10:02 p.m. Bizarre to watch concession speech by Aiona and hear him describe the night as a “great victory” and claim that he ran a great campaign. It was a wipeout. Also strange that Abercrombie was so eager to get on stage that he didn’t wait till Aiona had finished. — John Temple

9:56 p.m. GOP crowd gives a standing ovation to failed gubernatorial candidate Duke Aiona, and his running mate Lynn Finnegan. Supporters are chanting “Duke! Duke! Duke!” Duke breaks down on stage, cries. Crowd cheers. — Adrienne LaFrance

9:55 p.m. GOP Chair Jonah Kaauwai: “This is a war. This is just the first battle. We should not be ashamed of the effort we put out today.” — Adrienne LaFrance

9:52 p.m. “This is the beginning of a new day in Hawaii,” Schatz tells Democrats. “We have a lot of work to do and so I want to talk a little about unity. Tonight is the night that I would ask you and we’re going to do the same, to reach out to everyone in the state just like we were reaching out to everyone.

“Now is the time to reach out to everyone who supported us and also to everyone who picked another person on the ballot, because we cannot afford to be divided for another four years.

“Neil and I are really clear about this. It is going to take everyone, Democrats, Republicans, disaffected voters…We need everybody paddling in the same canoe. And now it’s time for all of us to get to work.”

9:51 p.m. GOP emcee Dawn O’Brien is leading the crowd in “Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory.” — Adrienne LaFrance

9:49 p.m. AP calls Hanabusa the winner in the 1st Congressional District race.

9:46 p.m. Duke Aiona has called Neil Abercrombie and conceded. — Chad Blair

9:44 p.m. Here are the remaining close races.

State Rep Dist 6
Coffman (d) – 50.1
Leau (R) – 46.0

State Rep Dist 11
Fontaine (R) – 48.8
Bertram (d) 46.1

State Rep Dist 18
Hashem (d) 48.3
Baron (R) 44.3

State Rep Dist 38
Kawakami (R) 48.8
Lee (d) 47.8

State Rep Dist 46
Riviere (R) 49.1
Sagaysay (d)  45.9

Councilmember Dist IV
Chang 47.9
Turbin 42.9

Councilmember (East Maui)
Carroll 40.8
Medeiros 40.6

Councilmember Dist II (Honolulu)
Martin 43.0
White 42.2

9:41 p.m. At Republican headquarters, Emcee Dawn O’Brien: “In this very hard moment, this is the time when you are in the valley that you have to shine the brightest.” — Robert Brown

9:41 p.m. GOP leaders are visibly distressed, but emcee Dawn O’Brien tries to rally the crowd before the second read-out. First she tells them that there has been a power outage at the State Capitol — Reporter-Host Michael Levine confirms from the capitol that is false — and suggests “shenanigans.” Then she reminds the crowd it’s not over until it’s over: “I don’t need this first count, second count, power-out count! I am waiting upon the count of the Lord.” A handful of members of the crowd answer her: “Amen!”
— Adrienne LaFrance

9:33 p.m. Elvis, I mean Neil, has left the stage with Brian Schatz in tow. The emcee promises he will be bck in a bit to share some words. — Chad Blair

9:31 p.m. Neil Abercrombie has been greeted like a conquering hero at his election night HQ. Rock star, pope, teen idol, Dalai Lama, vampire — you name it. The second printout just went up, then screams erupted, arms in the air, even jumping. Neil is now on the stage pumping his fists. — Chad Blair

9:30 p.m. Mazie Hirono took the stage just as the second printout flashed on the television: “It’s going to be so great to have Colleen in Congress,” Hirono said. — Nanea Kalani

Her speech was postponed as the crowd erupted in cheers, screaming and clapping seeing Hanabusa’s lead over Charles Djou. Hanabusa is hugging supporters again, hasn’t gotten back up on the stage. — Nanea Kalani

9:30 p.m. Abercrombie at 57.9 and Aiona at 40.7 in second printout. Hanabusa at 49.5 vs. 43.5 for Djou. Board of Ed amendment at 57.0 percent approval. Transit Authority passing 63.8 percent.

9:10 p.m. GOP Chair Jonah Kaauwai: “We’re not acting like the victims, we’re acting like the victors in the Republican party in the State of Hawaii.” — Adrienne LaFrance

9:06 p.m. Rep. Gene Ward addresses the GOP headquarters: “Politics is not a cakewalk… You have to have thick skin. When things get tough, the way they are right now, what do you do? A lot of you pray, a lot of you try harder, think longer and I want you to know, I think it was something Jonah said earlier tonight, this is about changing the government in Hawaii tonight.” — Robert Brown

9:05 p.m. Walter Dods chats with Civil Beat about Daniel Inouye and Colleen Hanabusa.

“Dan is so special for Hawaii and I’m glad the voters felt the same,” said Dods, who was Inouye’s campaign chairman. “As a banker, I don’t think people realize how he has kept our economy so strong.”

Regarding Hanabusa, Dods was careful not to jump the gun before the second printout, but said: “I believe in her, I feel she’ll be great for Hawaii — she’s bright, tough, compassionate. Hawaii is lucky to have her.” — Nanea Kalani

9:00 p.m. Sightings at Abercrombie-Schatz HQ: Ed Case, UH President M.R.C. Greenwood, state Sen. Carol Fukunaga, state Rep. Mike Magaoay, former TV reporters Tina Shelton and Angela Keen, former Aloha Airlines spokesman Stu Glauberman, Noe Tanigawa of HPR and civil unions activist Tambry Young. — Chad Blair

8:58 p.m. Two middle-aged Republican supporters scoff when they’re told Abercrombie has likely won the governor’s race.  

“I’m not surprised,” said one. “I’m not surprised AP would call it early. They’re calling it too early.” The crowd at GOP headquarters is about a third as big as it was when the night began. — Adrienne LaFrance

8:55 p.m. Neil Abercrombie and Brian Schatz have quietly slipped into election night headquarters at CompUSA. They are expected to greet supporters shortly, but, press aides say, there will be no speeches until after the second printout. The customary phone call from the defeated candidate must also come first, we’re told. — Chad Blair

8:50 p.m. Colleen Hanabusa is making her way through the crowd, hugging and greeting supporters and posing for photos. She’s dressed in black pants and a red blazer. Crisp, colorful lei are stacked half-way up her face.

A few recognizable faces arrive and mingle: retired banker Walter Dods, Pat and Jan Sullivan of Oceanit Laboratories. — Nanea Kalani

8:48 p.m. Emcee Dawn O’Brien tries to keep Republican spirits high: “Anybody here seen the movie Rocky? We are the underdogs!”  

She also reminded the GOP attendees that in a mock-vote, children were leaning Republican: “Remember the keiki overwhelmingly voted for Charles Djou!” — Robert Brown

8:40 p.m. Hanabusa takes the stage at her headquarters to thank supporters and tell them that they’ll hang together till the very end.

8:39 p.m. A woman who identifies herself as with “the party” approaches the tiny rectangular table around which four reporters are crammed with laptops, cell phones, cameras and digital recorders.

She wants the power strip that everybody’s plugged into. When asked why she needs it, she’s terse: “It belongs to the party. We don’t want to lose it.”

Civil Beat asks: “So does this mean you’re packing up? Are you leaving now?”

She rolls her eyes.

“We are not packing up. We just don’t want to lose track of things.” — Adrienne LaFrance

8:30 p.m. The emcee at GOP headquarters asks supporters to “keep your spirits up,” since only the first official results have been released. The crowd is thinning, though still in good cheer. — Adrienne LaFrance

8:29 p.m. From the : “Worst Poll Award. I haven’t checked this in detail yet, but it appears as though the worst poll of the political cycle will be the Rasmussen Reports survey of Hawaii, which had the incumbent Daniel Inoyue defeating Cam Cavasso by just 13 points. Mr. Inouye is ahead by 55 points right now. If Mr. Inouye’s margin holds, the 42-point error would be by far the worst general election poll in FiveThirtyEight’s database, which includes all polls since 1998; the previous record was 29 points.” — Michael Levine

8:18 p.m. Name politicians and other Hawaii folks of note are trickling into Abercrombie-Schatz HQ: Councilwoman Ann Kobayashi and Councilman Romy Cachola, state Sen. Clarence Nishihara, Judge Jim Burns, Waianae Harbor Master William Aila. — Chad Blair

8:08 p.m. A surprise guest drops by Abercrombie headquarters to show her support. Who knew Sarah would be in Honolulu tonight?

Thanks to Ian Kitajima for the photo. (By the way, that’s Hannah Miyamoto in the red dress. Some of you will know her as a regular commenter in Civil Beat discussions.)

8:05 p.m. Neil Abercrombie is not actually at his campaign headquarters. He is expected to arrive sometime before the seocnd printout comes out, and the plan is for him and running mate Brian Schatz to work the crowd — which is quite sizable at this point. A speech will follow, but it’s unclear whether it will be before that second printout, due around 9:30 p.m. AP said exit polls showed Abercormbie had “broad support. He won solid support from women, moderates and those who disapprove of Lingle.” — Chad Blair

8:05 p.m. Still no formal announcement of the outcome of the governor’s race at Republican headquarters, but the booze is starting to flow. People are mingling with beers and cocktails.

After a reference to “governor-to-be Duke Aiona,” by the emcee, a retired couple from Kailua shake their heads.

“I am disappointed,” said Lauren Wong, 69. “I thought it might be closer but the Democrats have the machine. I hate to say it but this means everything is going downhill for us in Hawaii. The people complain, but they keep voting for the same candidates!” — Adrienne La France

8 p.m. KITV returns to regularly scheduled programming: “Dancing with the Stars.” Now there’s an important election. How embarrassing for a news organization on an election night!

7:58 p.m. Ditto at Abercrombie-Schatz HQ — no formal announcement of the win, though it is being whispered throughout the crowd. — Chad Blair

7:57 p.m. The crowd at GOP headquarters is unaware that AP has called the governor’s race for former Congressman Neil Abercrombie. — Adrienne LaFrance

7:54 p.m. HONOLULU (AP) _ Democrat Neil Abercrombie has been elected Hawaii’s next governor./ This went out at 7:44 p.m. — Chad Blair.

7:54 p.m. GOP is on track to gain two state House seats and lose one state Senate seat, if the first printout results hold up. — Michael Levine

7:50 p.m. The mood is very merry at Colleen Hanabusa’s headquarters as supporters await the next print-out results. A third Hawaiian band is ready to take the stage. People are swaying and singing along to an ukulele version of “On the Boardwalk” while waving ti leaves (a symbol of good luck and protection in Hawaiian culture). — Nanea Kalani

7:50 p.m. A very happy woman at Abercrombie-Schatz HQ just offered me a little vodka. I told her that I am a gin man, and anyway, I’m still working. Most of this still delirious crowd seems unaware that Hawaiian music legends Aaron Mahi and Dennis Kamakahi are cranking out the jams. — Chad Blair

7:45 p.m. At GOP headquarters, the lull between election results is filled with laughing, music and food. People are in high spirits despite a discouraging first read for Republican voters. — Adrienne LaFrance

7:39 p.m. Michael Levine from the state Senate chambers, where they’re counting the votes.

7:32 p.m. UH mascot Vili the Warrior does a haka at Republican headquarters after bad news of early returns. He had endorsed Duke Aiona. — Robert Brown

7:27 p.m. Dawn O’Brien, the emcee at GOP headquarters, reminds supporters to keep their spirits high: “Continue to pray and cover this election in prayer. You are the force of aloha on God’s green Earth.” — Adrienne LaFrance

7:24 p.m. Could be bad night for Republicans in Hawaii. Abercrombie and Hanabusa looking strong. And in the Legislature, a Democrat (Pohai Ryan) is ahead in the race to take Republican Senator Fred Hemmings’ seat upon his retirement. If that holds, it’ll be 24-1 in the Senate, with Sam Slom the only Republican. In the House, the race to fill Michael Magaoay’s #46 is currently tilting toward Republican Gil Riviere. Incumbent Democrat Joe Bertram is trailing after the first printout in race for House #11 (Maui). Otherwise Dems on track to hold onto all seats. — Michael Levine

7:23 p.m. Honolulu transit authority looks like it’s cruising in early results, 64-29.

7:13 p.m. It must nice to be Mazie Hirono and Daniel K. Inouye. No worries. First returns show Hirono up 70-23 and Inouye up 73-20.

7:06 p.m. The crowd at Republican headquarters falls silent as they hear the sound of Abercrombie supporters cheering on TV. Some stand with arms folded, while others begin to approach the buffet spread for dinner. — Adrienne LaFrance

7:06 p.m. Colleen Hanabusa’s crowd goes nuts at the results of the first print out showing her ahead with 51 to 44 against Charles Djou! Standing ovation, the Hawaiian music stops mid-song as the result.

“Who’s going to D.C.?” The crowd screams, “Hanabusa!” — Nanea Kalani

7:05 p.m. Shouts of “We did it! We did it! We did it!” This place has gone absolutely bonkers over Abercrombie’s huge lead. Hundreds of people are standing, staring at the TV screens showing the election results. — Chad Blair

Thanks to Ian Kitajima!

7:03 p.m. Abercrombie up 58-41, in first results. Hanabusa up 51-44. BOE 60 yes, 40 no.

7:05: Shouts of “We did it! We did it! We did it!” This place has gone absolutely bonkers over Abercrombie’s huge lead. Hundreds of people are standing, staring at the TV screens showing the election results. — Chad Blair

6:57 p.m. Spokeswoman at Colleen Hanabusa’s HQ annouces: “OK, gang, 20 minutes to the first print out, 20 minutes.” The crowd, with HanabUSA signs in hand, cheers. “Hawaii is a Democratic state and always has been. Tonight, I’m feeling a big ‘W’.” — Nanea Kalani

6:51 p.m. Good news for Akaka bill: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wins in Nevada. Sens. Inouye and Akaka have promised to push for the bill’s passage during lame-duck session. — Chad Blair

6:46 p.m. Women wearing HSTA T-shirts are dishing out the grinds at Abercrombie HQ. “What kind of food?” I ask. “All kinds,” they tell me. “Hawaiian, Asian — cosmopolitan.” Channeling Neil, I reply, “It is our diversity that unites us. — Chad Blair

6:45 p.m. Democratic Sen. Daniel K. Inouye is gliding into his ninth term, according to an Associated Press . He first took his office on Jan. 3, 1963.

At 47 years, 9 months and 30 days in office, he is already the second longest-serving senator in U.S. history, behind only to West Virginia Democrat Robert C. Byrd.

Byrd served 51 years, 5 months and 26 days, which means Inouye would only have to serve another 3 years, 7 months and 27 days in order to snag the honor for serving longest. — Katherine Poythress

6:40 p.m. The crowd at Colleen Hanabusa’s headquarters has swelled to more than 100 supporters. The live band’s Hawaiian music is drowning out the audio from the large flat-screen TV inside. Supporters are feasting on an expansive Hawaiian menu, including poi, lomi salmon, poke, tripe stew and beef stew, chicken long-rice, beef luau, and, of course, white rice. A volunteer said they prepped enough food to feed 250. — Nanea Kalani

6:40 p.m. Chairman of the Hawaii Republican Party Jonah Kaauwai is in no hurry to make a prediction about tonight’s election – but that doesn’t mean his hopes aren’t high.

“We’ll let the numbers speak for themselves,” Kaauwai told Civil Beat. “We’re looking good. We’re happy, we’re excited. The whole Republican party theme this year was about creating a new movement in the Republican party and rejuvenating the party and that’s what you’re seeing right here tonight.”

As for the wave of GOP candidates that have seen success across the nation, Kaauwai isn’t sure if that momentum made it to the Aloha state.

“We don’t know if the wave made it to Hawaii. It might have been a trickle here but definitely because of the national scene, people in Hawaii are much more aware of government spending, government expansion.”

If nothing else, he added, “We’re happy that we fired Pelosi.” — Robert Brown

6:29 p.m. The emcee announces the first results are in, and Charles Djou is leading by a landslide. The crowd erupts in cheers before anyone can hear the rest. GOP supporters are calling out in celebration.

“It’s the absentee votes!”
“Victory night!”
“We’re winning!”

Turns out, the results came from , and they still have a few years until they count. Here are their . — Adrienne LaFrance

6:22 p.m. The first printout of results will include 35 percent of Hawaii County mail-in votes, 90 percent of Kauai County mail-in votes, 98 percent of Maui County mail-in votes, and 49 percent of Oahu mail-in votes, plus 100 percent of walk-in votes. — Michael Levine

6:19 p.m. Inouye and Akaka will remain in the majority in the Senate. AP says Democrats will hold Senate majority despite GOP pickup of at least 5 seats. — Chad Blair

6:11 p.m. Hawaii’s polls have been closed for barely 10 minutes and AP is already calling Sen. Dan Inouye’s race: “Sen. Daniel Inouye, the nation’s most senior senator, has won a ninth term after coasting to victory.” AP uses exit polls to make these calls. — Chad Blair

6:06 p.m. More from the state on GOP vote fraud allegations. The poll books are printed out about 2 weeks in advance of the election — they contain the full list of eligible voters at a polling place. The the elections office sends each polling place a list of those folks who have voted early, and the elections workers are supposed to go through the poll book and cross off the folks who already voted. But in the rush of opening the polling place at 7 a.m. sharp, it’s possible that they wouldn’t have time to go cross off everyone. What they’re supposed to do is when someone comes in to vote, is first check the poll book and then check the list of changes. — Michael Levine

5:57 p.m. Just minutes before first printout is expected, Abercrombie Campaign Manager Bill Kaneko walks the room talking to supporters. His face says this: Oh, man, please let my guy win. — Chad Blair

5:49 p.m. Phone-banking is giving way to early celebration at GOP headquarters. “Welcome to victory night!” cries emcee Dawn O’Brien, a Christian-radio host for KAIM in Honolulu.

O’Brien praises the crowd for their volunteer work all day, and says the party’s unity is inspiring: “If the devil saw this, he would be scared!”

Live music begins with a guitar rendition of “Stand by Me.” — Adrienne LaFrance

5:45 p.m. There’s a full-on pa’ina going on at Colleen Hanabusa’s campaign headquarters on Ward Ave. — live Hawaiian music, hula dancers and loads of food. At least 75 supporters are gathered, half of them out in the parking lot where a small TV is set up on the sidewalk. White Hanabusa T-shirts are being passed out.

Campaign manager Richard Rapoza says Hanabusa isn’t expected to make an appearance until around 8:30 p.m. — Nanea Kalani

5:43 p.m. GOP wraps up phone-banking efforts at Dole Cannery Ballroom. — Adrienne LaFrance

5:41 p.m. Abercrombie-Schatz headquarters at CompUSA downtown. Print and online media have been told that TV cameras want first crack at candidate interviews after he gives his victory/concession speech. They feel threatened by the speed of the written media, apparently. — Chad Blair

5:30 p.m. Elections officials are trying to tamp down rumors that there has been voter fraud today.

Responding to allegations from the Hawaii Republican Party that there’s been widespread fraud, the officials said a voter tried to test the system by trying to vote for a second time.

The individual had already voted — either mail-in absentee or early walk-in — and walked into the Central Middle School polling place in Honolulu this afternoon, the state said.

During the check process to deterimine if the individual had already voted — before it was complete, according to Office of Elections spokesman Rex Quidilla — the man said that he was being allowed to vote twice and alleged fraud.

“It’s almost as if he was trying to prove something,” Quidilla said. “There was obviously an agenda.”

Elections Chief Scott Nago said attempting to vote twice — even if unsuccessful — is a Class C felony in both state and federal law. Quidilla refused to identify the man and said he was not in custody, but said it was an “easily detectable” crime.

Quidilla said that one of the political parties — he declined to identify which one — was “propogating doubt” about election procedure. (It’s coming from the Republican party.) — Michael Levine

5:25 p.m. Attorney and City Council candidate Rich Turbin checks in with a poll worker at Kahala Elementary School before voting. Earlier, he stepped out to greet several sign wavers who were a block away. He looks spry and refreshed considering he says he’s been up since 5 a.m. “I’ve been all over today, Aina Haina, Hawaii Kai…Now I’ve got to vote!” — Sara Lin

5:15 p.m. “If you can’t tell how charged up we are, just look at my shirt!” Rep. Gene Ward’s aloha shirt is a splash of American flags and yellow plumerias.

He said it speaks volumes about Hawaii Republicans that so many volunteers have spent the day phone-banking. Now that national results are showing some key Republican victories, he said it’s about more than the GOP.

“This is a great thing for the American people,” Ward said. “Too much of one thing is not good. Like right now in Hawaii, 90 percent Democrat, 10 percent Republican. That’s out of whack. It’s got to hurt the people because it is too strong on one side with the self-interested, not people-interested.” — Adrienne LaFrance

5:15 p.m. Local TV stations were set up early at the Hawaii Senate Tuesday evening, waiting for election results to roll in.

Reporter Gina Mangieri won’t be alone on the air for KHON, which had four guest press passes on a folding table near the entrance to the chamber. The other names: Former Congressman Ed Case and Former Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, Democrats who lost in their runs for Congress and governor, falling to Colleen Hanabusa and Neil Abercrombie, respectively.

Also joining KHON will be Hawaii Republican Party leaders Jonah Kaauwai and Dylan Nonaka, who’ve played supporting roles to the candidacies of James “Duke” Aiona and Charles Djou.

KHON said they arranged for those four leaders to join them on camera tonight from the Senate. We’ll see if they join the other stations as well. Should be a good night of TV — and that’s not even including Dancing With the Stars! — Michael Levine

4:52 People are in good spirits, and relatively relaxed, at the GOP headquarters. With still more than an hour to go before polls close, the energy hasn’t quite hit fever pitch. Not surprisingly, red is the fashion statement of choice. There are a lot of red T-shirts but also sweater-sets and knit cardigans, blazers, basketball shorts and other fire-engine-red athletic wear — we spotted one Calgary Flames jersey, which seems appropriate since the ballroom seems to be about the temperature of a hockey rink. Local GOP head Dylan Nonaka is wearing a bright red baseball cap with the words “Fire Pelosi” screaming across the front. – Adrienne LaFrance

4:17 p.m. Gov. Linda Lingle opts to cancel her 4 p.m. interview with Civil Beat in favor of continuing her phone-bank efforts at the Dole Cannery Ballroom, where there are hundreds gathered around tables in front of a big screen that’s playing NBC’s national election coverage. Instead, an update from the local GOP leader.

“We feel good,” said Executive Director of the Hawaiian Republican Party Dylan Nonaka. “We’ve been here all day. We’ve probably made over 100,000 phone calls today. We’ve had over 500 volunteers come through and make phone calls throughout the day. We’re finishing strong, and we feel like we’ve done everything we can so that things turn out our way.” — Adrienne LaFrance

4:05 p.m. The Republican takeover of the House has local implications. Rep. Charles Djou was promised a seat on the Appropriations Committee by likely incoming Speaker John Boehner. And the Djou campaign is certainly watching cable news today.

Daniel Son — spokesman for both Djou’s congressional office and his re-election campaign — shared his joy not only with the new majority but with the results of one race in particular. At a few minutes after 3 p.m., “YES. GRAYSON IS GONE. Alan Grayson’s a disgrace. Good riddance.”

Earlier, Son said to another Democrat. “Thank the Lord Almighty that Tom Perriello is gone. #VA05 Good work @AMHenneberg!”

Son’s twitter profile says his Twitter messages “are my own, not anyone else’s,” and was quiet Tuesday afternoon. Still, it’s obvious that Team Djou is excited about the prospect of being part of the majority. — Michael Levine

3:34 IN OTHER NEWS: San Francisco !

3:15 p.m. At a few minutes after 3 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time, many of the major TV networks called the House for the GOP, projecting net gains of 50 seats or more for the Republican Party.

CNN on analysis of exit poll data and early election returns from the states where polls have closed. — Michael Levine

2:30 p.m. Mid-afternoon was a slow period for voting at Kuhio Elementary School in Moiliili, according to precinct chair Lawrence Meacham. He said voting had been busy earlier in the day, even causing a short line.

Sign-waving supporters of Democrats Neil Abercrombie and Daniel K. Inouye were asked to move a little further away from the polling place; they thought they had to be 200 feet away from the door, but were told that the parking lot counts as well, Meacham said. There was also a brief period where the electronic vote-counting machine went down — possibly because a voter tried to insert a ballot that was torn due to some trouble with the perforation to remove the receipt. So some ballots were put into a locked box to be counted at the end of the day.

But all in all, things were going smoothly, Meacham said.

One voter exiting the station at around 2:30 p.m. said he voted for Abercrombie because he’s “got a bit more experience.” He also voted for Colleen Hanabusa even though he was unfamiliar with her, saying that “(Charles) Djou just seems from the ads to be a bit inconsistent. He says one thing and does another.”

Who says negative ads — more than $1.3 million worth from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — don’t work? — Michael Levine

2.20 p.m. Ever since a pre-work rush in the morning, Manoa residents have been streaming steadily into Noelani Elementary School to cast their votes. Some were turned away because they weren’t registered. Others weren’t on the list of voters for that precinct, even though they had been directed there by the .

“Unfortunately, you’re not going to be able to vote in this election,” poll volunteer Shirley Parola informed one resident who had not registered to vote. “I appreciate your effort to be involved and participate though.”

Despite these snafus, “It’s been steady enough to keep the booths full all day,” she said.

Poll volunteer Gene Parola said he is expecting a sizable turnout at the school where President Barack Obama attended kindergarten. — Katherine Poythress

2:00 p.m. Neil Abercrombie’s position on education helped him gain a vote from Kapolei resident Mark, 35. “I voted for Neil,” he said. “I’m Democrat and I have five kids, so on the education side, what he had to say stuck with me. And the whole furlough thing, I didn’t like how that played out.”

Mark, who voted at Kapolei Elementary School, said he voted all Democrat for the congressional races: Colleen Hanabusa, Mazie Hirono and Daniel Inouye. “Again, because I’m Democrat, and I stuck with who I knew.” — Nanea Kalani (Yes, he said he voted for two congressional seats…)

1:53 p.m. Looks like Sen. Daniel K. Inouye will be able to keep his chairmanship of the Senate Appropriations Committee. : “NRSC Chairman John Cornyn tells reporters he does NOT think GOP will gain control of Senate: ‘I would love to tell you we’re going to take the majority but I actually don’t believe that.'”

1:44 p.m. Voting has been pretty steady all day at Kapolei Elementary School, where about 500 ballots have been cast, according to a polling station volunteer.

Kapolei resident Dee Williams, 35, voted there during her lunch break. “I voted for Aiona because I’m a Christian and I’m voting for moral values and against same-sex marriage,” she said.

As for Congress? “I voted for Charles Djou because he came to my church and spoke to the issues I’m sensitive about. I liked what he had to say about what he hopes to bring to Hawaii if he’s re-elected to Congress,” Williams said. — Nanea Kalani

1:30 p.m. Do unhappy cell phone users translate into Republican votes? At least one conservative political group is hoping so.

Many Hawaii cell phone users received unsolicited anti-Democrat text messages late last night saying: “(Alert) Senator Daniel Inouye passed Obamacare and voted to increase your taxes. Tell him your thoughts. (808)-946-3390.”

The number listed is Inouye’s Honolulu office line. But the messages, some received just before midnight, came from addresses like 4979304@conservativetext.com and sms@aicpac.org, which points back to , a conservative political action committee. Their mission: “To identify social and fiscal conservatives throughout America and engage them at the Grassroots level.”

The same group has spammed cell phone users in Delaware, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, too.

Attacking Democratic U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye might not be the greatest idea, given he’s arguably Hawaii’s most powerful and revered living politician. But politics aside, the ploy certainly enraged cell phone users who have to pay for text messages they receive. Some cell phone carriers offer to block all text messages from websites and e-mail addresses, but it isn’t an option for everyone. — Sara Lin

1:08 p.m. The Hawaii Republican Party sent out a of executive director Dylan Nonaka updating folks on what’s happening at GOP election night headquarters at Dole Cannery Ballroom. Nonaka says “we’re rocking and rolling down here” with more than 400 volunteers making thousands of phone calls. “Come on down,” he says.

And, according to an e-mail from Daniel Son of the Djou campaign, it looks like Charles is there, too! — Chad Blair

12:30 p.m. Well, it’s lunchtime, and according to their official public schedules the leading candidates for governor and Congress are taking naps. Or something.

The last task for Democrats Neil Abercrombie and Brian Schatz — a Leeward Oahu trolley ride — finished around noon. Republicans Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan wrapped up phone banking at about 10:30 a.m. Democrat Colleen Hanabusa is speaking to a government class at St. Andrews Priory and then plans to make a few phone bank calls before knocking off around 2:30 p.m. And Republican Charles Djou has announced… nothing! But according to his Facebook page, the young congressman was seen sign waving earlier today. — Chad Blair

11:20 a.m. President Obama . Highlights: Obama notes how Neil Abercrombie knew his parents at UH “when I was a baby.” Michael W. Perry, a political conservative, asks the president about whether he’s seeing an “enthusiasm gap” among the electorate. Obama acknowledges that “the Republicans are very fired up.” He adds that people in Hawaii have no excuse not to vote “because the weather is always nice.” Larry Price asks the president what he’s doing today. “Making a lot of phone calls,” he says. – Chad Blair

10:42 a.m. Hunter Ward, 25, voted at Kahala Elementary school. He said he cast his ballot for candidates that share his Christian values and have conservative fiscal ideals.

“Duke Aiona all the way for governor,” Ward said. “He’s an awesome man of integrity… And then of course, Charles Djou, another awesome guy. Charles – he’s a man of faith. I’m a Christian and I believe in Godly principles. But just the fiscal responsibility and our kids man, there’s so much debt in the nation, it’s just getting worse and worse. He’s going to spend within our means and he’s going to be wise and I think he’s definitely the man for the job.”

Ward said he was proud to have the opportunity to vote.

“The people have to rise up and vote for what they believe in, the principles. So definitely, every vote counts. Glad to be here.” — Robert Brown

9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Colleen Hanabusa sign waving with family and supporters, corner of Kapiolani Blvd. And Kalakaua Ave., fronting Hawaii Convention Center. — Chad Blair

9:30 a.m. After sign waving in Kalihi across from Kamehameha Shopping Center, and then an appearance on Hawaii News Now Sunrise, Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan are spending an hour helping to man the phone banks at their campaign HQ on North Nimitz Highway. – Chad Blair

9:02 a.m.: Leeward Oahu trolley departs Ware Warehouse with Brian Schatz to pick up Neil Abercrombie. About 30 supporters on board for 10 stops throughout Central and Leeward Oahu communities, ending at noon at Abercrombie’s Ward Warehouse campaign HQ. – Chad Blair

Credit: Randy Ching

7:24 a.m. Lots of seniors are turning out to cast ballots at Waikiki Elementary, with just a handful of younger voters. – Adrienne LaFrance

7:09 a.m. A potential problem was averted when a volunteer at Waikiki Elementary noticed another volunteer wasn’t giving voters’ ballot stubs — essentially a receipt — to them. A handful of voters waited in line again, and retrieved their stubs before leaving the polling place. “Some of our volunteers are new,” one woman said. “But they know now.” – Adrienne LaFrance

7:00 a.m. The polls are open!

6:54: a.m. Voters trickling into Waikiki Elementary, waiting for polls to open. Waikiki resident Tosh Dutt, 33, says, “I decided to vote for Abercrombie. I just don’t like the way the Republican Party has decided to go back to issues that don’t matter. The economic recovery is going to take time. The whole Tea Party movement is far too extreme.” Dutt says he’ll also vote for Hanabusa. A polling person comes out and asking if anyone wants to be the first voter and Dutt raises his hand and smiles. – Adrienne LaFrance

6:47 a.m. First voter arrives at Waikiki Elementary School. – Adrienne LaFrance

Tuesday, Nov. 2 — Election Day – 6:19 a.m. A fiery sunrise welcomes Honolulu on election day.

Credit: Randy Ching

5:00 p.m. 150,000 votes have already been cast, state election officials tell Civil Beat. That’s more than in all but 2008. Read more about the vote so far. — Michael Levine

4:15 p.m. Excerpt from Neil Abercrombie’s election eve : “I come to you ready to lead and serve…Your vote is an act of faith and trust. If I am elected Governor, I will honor that faith; I will respect that trust. I will not let you down. Imua Hawaii.” – Chad Blair

4:15 p.m. Excerpt from Duke Aiona’s election eve : “Will you wake up Wednesday morning knowing you did everything you could to win this election and ensure balance, honesty and fiscal responsibility in state government?” – Chad Blair

3:23 p.m. Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan wrapped up a tour of Roberts Hawaii’s Honolulu office this afternoon. They also greeted supporters in Pioneer Plaza and visited Island insurance Company, Bank of Hawaii, Matson, Alexander & Baldwin and a medical building in Kapahulu. Finnegan was to head to Hilo for a 4 p.m. sign wave and grassroots meeting while Aiona was expected to participate in a mass sign waving effort in front of Aiona-Finnegan Oahu headquarters on North Nimitz Highway beginning at 5 p.m. – Chad Blair

Monday, Nov. 1 – 2:30 p.m. President Barack Obama concluded a short “Tele-Town Hall meeting” with Dan Inouye, Mazie Hirono, Colleen Hanabusa and Neil Abercrombie. Democrats statewide listened in as the Hawaii-born Obama begged the party faithful to turn out and vote on Tuesday. Abercrombie said the call was likely the last campaign event Obama tended to on Monday, given that it’s six hours later in Washington. – Chad Blair

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