Chapter 1: The Next Community To Host Oahu’s Landfill Can Learn From The Westside
As the city searches for a new site, the Westside offers lessons on how a place can turn into the island’s perceived ‘dumping ground.’
Chapter 2: From ‘Sacred Place’ To ‘Dumping Ground,’ West Oahu Confronts A Legacy Of Landfills
Mental health professionals say the community is working to overcome the negative stereotypes associated with decades of hosting the island’s less desirable municipal facilities.
Chapter 3: Climate Change Will Make It Harder To Protect The Environment Around Oahu’s Next Landfill
The effects of a warming planet are also expected to make it more expensive to safeguard land and water.
Chapter 4: How This Kauai Community Is Benefiting From Hosting The Island’s Landfill
The west Kauai community has received more than $2 million through a benefits fund that residents have used for solar projects, youth sports and more.
Chapter 5: Future Of Oahu Landfill Is Uncertain After Committee Rejects Alternatives
The city has until the end of the year to choose a new landfill site.
Chapter 6: The Kauai Landfill ‘Conundrum’ Could Quickly Become A ‘Public Health Hazard’
The island’s only landfill is filling up fast. But the places available to put a new landfill are severely limited.