Three major forces are at the center of any discussion about Hawaii’s ability to work through its problems: Communities – our people and the ties that bind them – Leadership in the political, business and civic sectors, and Native Hawaiians, who are becoming a dynamic political voice.
Advocates say the agreement between a renewable energy company and a community group in West Maui could be a model for resolving disputes.
Residents say an influx of roosters is laying bare an age-old spat over two sometimes conflicting hallmarks of country life: agriculture and peace and quiet.
Lei Robinson is spearheading a volunteer movement to keep the streets of Hilo as clean as possible.
Marcia and Buna Leialoha felt they had no choice but to offer homes to those evicted from a nearby temporary homeless camp, but their landlord thinks otherwise.
Every Friday at 7:30 p.m., make a thunderous sound of thanks for first responders and other essential workers. One to 2 minutes will do it.
An Eagle Scout candidate and his troop started building the Makiki Community Garden toolshed. Then the pandemic downsized the crew.
About 11% of Hawaii residents claim Hispanic heritage, a number that’s expected to grow. But Latinos are also the least likely to respond to the census.
A former Harvard Medical School professor is teaming up with local engineers who have designed products for firms like Apple, Google and Tesla.
Kauai’s last mom and pop market is fighting to stay in business and nurture a new breed of local entrepreneurs.
Lava took a heavy toll on this Big Island congregation and almost destroyed the church. Now the problem is how to pay for its upkeep.
A Hilo-born haole plants Hawaiian trees and flowers every chance he gets.
The lure of better jobs, cheaper housing and other opportunities beckons many residents, particularly in western states.
The term “local” is so overrated. I’ve spent decades contributing to the public well-being without embracing that culturally sensitive label.
The Kauai town has its flash points, but a shared sense of pride continues to hold this community together.
Local is still mostly about race in Hawaii, but talking about shared experiences can help us overcome some of those differences.
When police and social services agencies couldn’t help, this small band of neighbors took matters into their own hands. And it worked.
Whether you vote in local elections and how well you trust your neighbor has an impact on your community’s social capital.
Local identity originated with a famous murder in the early 1930s. Today, it can unite us as a society but all too often divides us.
It’s time to have a long talk about what’s going on in Hawaii these days. We’re convening a far-reaching community conversation on how to move forward despite our differences.