Three major forces are at the center of any discussion about Hawaii’s ability to work through its problems: Communities – our people and the ties that bind them – Leadership in the political, business and civic sectors, and Native Hawaiians, who are becoming a dynamic political voice.
Advocates say the agreement between a renewable energy company and a community group in West Maui could be a model for resolving disputes.
Residents say an influx of roosters is laying bare an age-old spat over two sometimes conflicting hallmarks of country life: agriculture and peace and quiet.
Divers and other volunteers conducted a major cleanup effort of the bay on Sunday.
Lei Robinson is spearheading a volunteer movement to keep the streets of Hilo as clean as possible.
Civil Beat photographer Ronen Zilberman tagged along on an environmental restoration project in the Waimea Valley this weekend.
Marcia and Buna Leialoha felt they had no choice but to offer homes to those evicted from a nearby temporary homeless camp, but their landlord thinks otherwise.
Investments in public infrastructure need to be made now to bring the state into the 21st century before it devolves into chaos.
As the Hawaii Tourism Authority shifts from marketing to tourism management, the counties are taking matters into their own hands with new hotel bans and airport shuttle systems.
Projects aiming to provide housing or services to low-income residents are meeting resistance from communities that don’t want them in their neighborhoods.
There’s so much to talk about as we emerge from the pandemic with some of the same old arguments, and plenty of new ones.
But clean energy advocates and power producers are pushing back against new Honolulu City Council proposals meant to protect communities from large wind energy projects.
We need to cool down and de-escalate community conflicts. That starts by being more tolerant of people with opposing views.
Message fatigue has become a real concern as Hawaii officials gear up public service announcements reminding people they need to wear masks, wash their hands and stay away from each other.
Administrators say they can make space for more patients, but health care workers are concerned about intense workloads and staying safe.
Little is known about Hui O Maui Citizens For Change but the group is backing conservative-leaning members.
There doesn’t seem to be a clear data strategy for the virus response.
As the district debates reopening metrics and reels from a problematic online education platform, parents are left to pick up the slack so students can continue learning.
The state’s pre-travel testing program is set to launch next month, but other destinations with similar programs have struggled to keep COVID-19 cases from spiking.
Voters will demand competent leaders that talk straight and act decisively, while revenue losses will force unenviable budgetary decisions.
Many local businesses have cut back or closed, putting tens of thousands out of work. Economists say don’t expect a turnaround until at least the middle of next year.
Decisions about programs and policies to combat the virus are happening faster under a newly restructured leadership team.
The pandemic has revealed deep cracks in Hawaii’s government and social system, but also created an opportunity for real change.
The group, seeing gaps in enforcement, has helped state and local investigators track down scofflaw tourists.
The public might have to wait 30 days for details of plans for 16 solar-plus-storage or standalone storage projects on three islands
The new Kahuku wind turbine project is at the heart of a dispute over Hawaii’s open meetings law.
Even the most optimistic solar developer said extended disruptions to projects will have unavoidable consequences.
Every Friday at 7:30 p.m., make a thunderous sound of thanks for first responders and other essential workers. One to 2 minutes will do it.
An Eagle Scout candidate and his troop started building the Makiki Community Garden toolshed. Then the pandemic downsized the crew.
About 11% of Hawaii residents claim Hispanic heritage, a number that’s expected to grow. But Latinos are also the least likely to respond to the census.
A former Harvard Medical School professor is teaming up with local engineers who have designed products for firms like Apple, Google and Tesla.
Some policymakers want to keep wind turbines away from homes but energy developers say there’s not much room to maneuver on a small island.
We must lead by implementing policies in a right and pono way.
Mark Noguchi and Amanda Corby Noguchi share how the love for their community brought them together.
The Hawaii Legislature has simply grown too distant to be effective.
The city says it will take months to repave the lot at Waialae and 12th Avenue but worried business owners are pushing back.
Kauai’s last mom and pop market is fighting to stay in business and nurture a new breed of local entrepreneurs.
If the goal is for Hawaii to form its own nation, many legal and political barriers block the way.
Lava took a heavy toll on this Big Island congregation and almost destroyed the church. Now the problem is how to pay for its upkeep.
The island’s population growth is largely a result of the island becoming home to more retirees.
In the wake of the Mauna Kea protests, Native Hawaiians might look to the Maori in New Zealand.
A Hilo-born haole plants Hawaiian trees and flowers every chance he gets.
The establishment of a popular Hawaiian immersion program several years ago has had an impact on the broader community, says the Hana High & Elementary principal.
As Hawaiian immersion programs soar in popularity, the lack of a common curriculum remains a big challenge.
The lure of better jobs, cheaper housing and other opportunities beckons many residents, particularly in western states.
The term “local” is so overrated. I’ve spent decades contributing to the public well-being without embracing that culturally sensitive label.
Hearing Native Hawaiians oppose major projects over ancient graves, cultural artifacts and environmental concerns is not only predictable, it is inevitable under poor economic conditions.
Hawaii’s leaders are offering developers a chance to skip a major vetting procedure, which could undermine efforts to protect public lands.
Civil Beat interviewed four of Hawaii’s most prominent leaders. They had a lot to say about our growing social and economic problems and the lack of leadership to help resolve them.
Poorly planned green energy projects can tear Hawaii communities apart.
A company worked with scholars to develop a message that educates visitors en route to the North Shore about the place and its people.
The Kauai town has its flash points, but a shared sense of pride continues to hold this community together.
The protests are seen as part of a long push toward more self-determination for Native Hawaiians, but there is little consensus on how best to achieve that.
Hawaiian Electric says it sees growing issues concerning land use and where to site projects.
Local is still mostly about race in Hawaii, but talking about shared experiences can help us overcome some of those differences.
Since protests resumed six months ago, top elected officials have struggled to take ownership of resolving issues surrounding a major telescope project.
When police and social services agencies couldn’t help, this small band of neighbors took matters into their own hands. And it worked.
Whether you vote in local elections and how well you trust your neighbor has an impact on your community’s social capital.
Local identity originated with a famous murder in the early 1930s. Today, it can unite us as a society but all too often divides us.
It’s time to have a long talk about what’s going on in Hawaii these days. We’re convening a far-reaching community conversation on how to move forward despite our differences.