Civil Beat Categories


Showing 10 of 10192 results.
Pod Squad: CB’s Wayfinder Peddles His Views On Pedaling

Pod Squad: CB’s Wayfinder Peddles His Views On Pedaling

Transportation reporter and columnist Marcel Honore talks about traffic, apps and bikes.

Pod Squad: Honolulu Rail CEO Promises Passenger Service In 2020 Nathan Eagle/Civil Beat

Pod Squad: Honolulu Rail CEO Promises Passenger Service In 2020

Andrew Robbins, executive director of the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation, foresees “interim service” from East Kapolei to Aloha Stadium.

Pod Squad: Meet Hawaii’s New GOP State Rep Chad Blair/Civil Beat

Pod Squad: Meet Hawaii’s New GOP State Rep

Public school teacher Val Okimoto steadily canvassed her Mililani Mauka district to win her first-ever political race.

Pod Squad: Have You Tried A Biki Yet? Kelsey Colpitts of Biki/2018

Pod Squad: Have You Tried A Biki Yet?

Many Honolulu residents and visitors have, and Bikeshare Hawaii’s new executive director explains why.

Pod Squad: To Build A Better Hawaii

Pod Squad: To Build A Better Hawaii

A hui of local architects invites the public to participate in workshops focused on making Honolulu and the state better places to live.

The Shark Chasers

The Shark Chasers

Exploring one of nature’s biggest mysteries on a remote Pacific island

Shark Cam

A fin-mounted shark cam allowed researchers to watch — for the first time — as this female tiger shark catches and devours a fish while she scavenges for food.

Photo Essay

Pictures tell the story of the M/V Searcher’s journey to one of the most remote spots on earth in search of tiger sharks and their unsuspecting prey.

Shark Tracker

Follow the movements of tiger sharks around the Hawaiian islands. This live tracker is being constantly updated.


University of Hawaii researchers catch and tag tiger sharks with electronic trackers on a research expedition to the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Lead researcher Carl Meyer explains why in this video report.