Trisha Kehaulani Watson: Civic Consciousness Is A Grind
State lawmakers shouldn’t create a special commission to resolve Native Hawaiian issues if it’s just a poorly veiled cover for finding a solution for Mauna Kea.
The Ongoing TMT Crisis Cries Out For Collective Hawaii Leadership
A reconciliation process being offered by legislative leaders is a way forward. But lawmakers need to act decisively and soon.
Trisha Kehaulani Watson: AG Steering Hawaii In Wrong Direction With TMT
The state Attorney General’s latest action to subpoena a nonprofit’s bank records borders on a dangerous abuse of power.
TMT Hot Potato: Hawaii Leaders Are Ducking Responsibility On Mauna Kea
Since protests resumed six months ago, top elected officials have struggled to take ownership of resolving issues surrounding a major telescope project.
Media Reports: India Wary Of TMT Construction On Mauna Kea
India’s Department of Science and Technology is part of the Thirty Meter Telescope consortium.
Hawaii County, TMT Protesters Agree To Clear The Road To Mauna Kea
UPDATED: Activists will move their encampment off the mountain’s access road in exchange for a county promise not to start more work on the telescope until February.
Hawaii Governor Pulls Back Law Enforcement On Mauna Kea — For Now
Protesters of the Thirty Meter Telescope project are contemplating their next move in the face of a Dec. 26 deadline to either leave or risk arrest.
Neal Milner: Don’t Depersonalize The TMT Protests
A law enforcement approach to resolving the Mauna Kea standoff would be misguided.
UH Regents Urge Nonviolent Solutions To Mauna Kea Standoff
The directive from the board offers little new in the way of resolving issues regarding Thirty Meter Telescope.
Where Hawaii Legislators Stand On The Thirty Meter Telescope
A majority of lawmakers surveyed by Civil Beat support construction of the telescope — but with a lot of caveats and uncertainty about how to proceed.