New TV Spots Promote Keith Amemiya’s Democratic Roots
The first-time candidate in the nonpartisan race for Honolulu mayor is also advertising heavily.
Candidate Q&A: State House District 3 — Shannon Matson
“We need to work to get fully publicly funded elections and establish term limits to help end career politician dominance at the state level.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 3 — Frederick Fogel
“We live on islands that can and should be completely self-sufficient if given the chance.”
Candidate Q&A: U.S. House District 1 — Nancy Olson
“If I had all my Social Security and FICA taxes in my pocket, invested at a mere 4% the amount is staggering.”
Candidate Q&A: Hawaii County Mayor — Neil Azevedo
“The most pressing issue facing our island is regarding missing children and human trafficking.”
Candidate Q&A: Hawaii County Mayor — Mike Ruggles
“I would take the money that other candidates would spend to bring back tourism, and invest it in sustainable agriculture and all the small businesses.”
Candidate Q&A: Hawaii County Mayor — Yumi Kawano
“Yes we must bring back some of ‘the good all days’ of trading and buying from one another.”
Candidate Q&A: Hawaii County Mayor — Ted Shaneyfelt
“Reward frugality. Promote those who practice it rather than those who enlarge their department size.”
Candidate Q&A: Hawaii County Mayor — Bob Fitzgerald
“We have very smart, influential success stories here, and we need to have local government partner with them.
Candidate Q&A: Hawaii County Mayor — Paul Bryant
“I would have refused the governor’s suggestion I be the middle man in his TMT problem.”