Will Joe Souki Be Hawaii’s Next Lt Gov?
There’s a lot of speculation about how the dominos could fall if Lt. Gov. Shan Tsutsui resigns to run for Maui mayor.
Neal Milner: We Long Ago Stopped Trusting Anything About Honolulu Rail
And that’s bad because the rail process has reinforced distrust that will affect our willingness to participate in civic life.
Money Talks To Lawmakers During Legislative Session
Numerous legislators continue to hold campaign fundraisers at the same time they’re making decisions on their benefactors’ issues.
Lawmaker May Lose Committee Chair Over Pesticide Bill
Hawaii Rep. Angus McKelvey’s effort to push through a contentious pesticide disclosure bill could lead to his ouster as head of Consumer Protection and Commerce.
Denby Fawcett: Don’t Give Up On Resisting Trump
Activists in Hawaii ponder how to perpetuate their resistance to President Trump over the long haul.
Hawaii’s Governor Steps Gingerly Into GOP Power Circle
David Ige is in Washington meeting with everyone who he thinks might help the islands — including the newly empowered Republicans.
To Be A Honolulu Police Commissioner, First Be A Political Insider
Two recent appointees have judicial experience, but they are the exceptions on a board charged with civilian oversight of a scandal-ridden police department.
Neal Milner: The Language of Donald Trump
Trump’s approach is obviously toxic. But that can also be true of Hawaii where complacency is the political language.
Senator: Police Union Wrong On Domestic Violence Bill
Sen. Laura Thielen took issue with a SHOPO attorney who testified the union contract takes precedence over state law.
Hawaii GOP Lawmaker May Switch Parties
UPDATED: Rep. Beth Fukumoto, who on Wednesday was removed as House Minority Leader, says she is being punished “for dissent.”