Candidate Q&A: State House District 8 – Justin Hughey
“The Democratic Party is stronger when we are debating our local values in the political arena, instead of having fake Democrats infiltrate the Democratic Party.”
Hawaii Governor’s Race: Clear Differences On Energy Policy
Among the biggest splits between the two Democratic contenders is whether natural gas should be part of the state’s energy future.
Candidate Surveys Are Rolling In But We Want Even More
Lots of candidates have yet to send in their Q&As. There’s still time but you’re cutting it close.
Candidate Q&A: State House District 8 – Troy Hashimoto
“A way to increase transparency and accountability is to hold additional public decision-making meetings and even possibly subjecting the Legislature to various provisions of the Sunshine Law.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 8 – Mary Wagner
“I will work with the newly elected Legislature to convene developers, government officials, environmentalists, farmers, housing advocates, bankers – anyone willing to come to the table in good faith – and finally prioritize affordable housing.”
Candidate Q&A: Governor — Colleen Hanabusa
“I will not tell advocates on both sides of an issue that they have my support. I will not propose budgets that lawmakers call ‘schizophrenic,’ or have them tell me I need to go back to the drawing board.”
Candidate Q&A: State House District 49 — Mo Radke
“Kaneohe and Kailua are unique in a variety of ways and are also very separate. Cosmopolitan living and a rural feel intertwined. Development is needed in some areas, and in others, it needs to be left alone.”
Candidate Q&A: OHA Oahu Trustee — Francine Murray
“It pains me to see the infighting at OHA. It should be a place that attracts the best and brightest employees because they want to do all they can to help Hawaiians.”
OHA At-Large Candidates Have Raised Little Money So Far
None of the three incumbents — Lei Ahu Isa, Rowena Akana and John Waihee IV — reported spending any money this year and two are in debt.
Candidate Q&A: OHA Oahu Trustee — Sam King
“The thing OHA seems to be doing best is dishing out cash to people who know the CEO and the trustees, as reported by the state auditor.”