Police Reform Measures Gain Steam in Hawaii Legislature
Several high profile cases of cops getting in trouble have fueled lawmakers’ push for reform.
Honolulu Police Sent 22 Misconduct Cases to Prosecutors in 2014
A new law requires county police agencies to tell state lawmakers more about officer misconduct, but some senators say more details are still needed.
How Can Police Regain the Public’s Trust?
A new report from the U.S. Conference of Mayors provides meaningful lessons that can be applied in Honolulu in light of recent problems.
City Response to Police Chief Case Doesn’t Work, on So Many Levels
The police commission. The police union. The mayor. Why is everybody averting their eyes from serious allegations against Louis Kealoha?
Caldwell Won’t Discuss the Problems of Honolulu’s Police Chief
Mayor calls chief’s stolen mailbox case “a private matter,” even though it’s the subject of a potential FBI investigation.
The Projector: Stormy Weather for Tourists, Police Chief and Rail Project
The week began with incessant wind. Later, storm clouds developed over Police Chief Louis Kealoha and HART officials.
Honolulu Police Commission Defers Chief Kealoha Investigation
With an FBI probe already possible, chairman Ron Taketa said the commission will not pursue a case based on “rumor and speculation.”
FBI Asked to Probe Whether Honolulu Police Mishandled Chief’s Mailbox Theft Case
UPDATE: A federal public defender says the theft charge is being dropped and alleges the police withheld evidence and falsified reports.
Will Honolulu Police Commission Hold Chief Kealoha Accountable?
That’s a question being asked by lawmakers who have concerns that the agency is ineffective when it comes to handling police oversight.
Why It’s Time for Pervasive Surveillance — of the Police
Outfitting police with video cams will in most instances benefit the public.