Civil Beat Categories


This State Employee Is Scouring The Earth For Solutions To Combat Hawaii’s Invasive Species Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2023

This State Employee Is Scouring The Earth For Solutions To Combat Hawaii’s Invasive Species

Government needs to speed up its approval process and invest in research infrastructure to defeat a list of environmentally and economically threatening pests, experts say.

The Scope Of Heavy Pesticide Use On Oahu Is Finally In The Public Domain David Croxford/Civil Beat/2023

The Scope Of Heavy Pesticide Use On Oahu Is Finally In The Public Domain

Information on restricted pesticide use in Hawaii was kept private until a 2018 law required transparency. Environmental advocates want more restrictions. 

Supreme Court Declines To Hear Kaneohe Soil Contamination Case Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2018

Supreme Court Declines To Hear Kaneohe Soil Contamination Case

The High Court’s decision paves the way for service members and their families to bring their claims about toxic contamination to Hawaii state court.

Big Island: Council OKs Ban On Roundup And Other Herbicides On County Land Alan McNarie

Big Island: Council OKs Ban On Roundup And Other Herbicides On County Land

Mayor Harry Kim hasn’t yet publicly announced whether he’ll sign the recently passed bill.

Seed Industry Is Shrinking Dramatically But It Still Grows Hawaii’s No. 1 Crop Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2019

Seed Industry Is Shrinking Dramatically But It Still Grows Hawaii’s No. 1 Crop

Despite controversy and declining production, executives say Hawaii will remain a key player in growing GMO seeds for years to come.


Monsanto Fined $10 Million For Using Banned Pesticide On Maui PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Monsanto Fined $10 Million For Using Banned Pesticide On Maui

The chemical company continued to use a pesticide banned in 2013 for about a year after the prohibition.

Heart Disease May Be Linked To Pesticide Exposure Zeynel Cebeci/Wikimedia Commons

Heart Disease May Be Linked To Pesticide Exposure

A new look at data from a historic study of elderly Japanese Americans points to a potential link between pesticide exposure and the development of cardiovascular disease.

Monsanto Could Soon Be Facing Dozens Of Lawsuits  in Hawaii Over Pesticide Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2017

Monsanto Could Soon Be Facing Dozens Of Lawsuits in Hawaii Over Pesticide

Massive damage awards in previous cases are triggering a new onslaught against the chemical company.

Judge Puts Chill On Lawsuit Over Pesticides At Kaneohe Marine Base Housing Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2018

Judge Puts Chill On Lawsuit Over Pesticides At Kaneohe Marine Base Housing

Hundreds of service members alleged they should have been warned about pesticide problem at the Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe.

Monsanto: $80M Verdict In Roundup Case Won’t Affect Other Suits PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Monsanto: $80M Verdict In Roundup Case Won’t Affect Other Suits

The agribusiness giant has also been sued by Hawaii plaintiffs who allege the pesticide caused their cancer.