Navy Says Military Families Displaced By Water Crisis May Return Home Next Week
The Navy told lawmakers it will not meet a Jan. 3 deadline to come up with a plan for decontaminating its drinking water well.
‘We Can Take On This Goliath’: Oahu Water Chief Ready To Fight Navy Over Red Hill
The head of Honolulu’s water utility said he supports a hearing officer’s recommendation to drain the fuel tanks and wants them closed for good.
Denby Fawcett: Navy And Monk Seal Killers Win My Hewa Awards For Shameful Acts
Hewa is the opposite of pono, and the Navy’s actions in the Red Hill drinking water crisis and whoever shot a monk seal on Molokai certainly fit the definition.
‘The Stakes Are High’: Why The Navy Doesn’t Want To Defuel The Red Hill Tanks
The Red Hill water crisis is stretching the Navy’s overstretched resources, experts say.
Sterling Higa: What Red Hill Says About The Decline Of American Empire
The United States seems to have lost the ability to predict or manage the consequences of its actions abroad or at home.
The Navy Illegally Flushed Tainted Water Into Storm Drains As Red Hill Crisis Took Hold
DOH says it is focusing on mitigating the crisis rather than sanctioning the Navy.
Navy Fends Off Criticism During 13-Hour Hearing On Red Hill Water Crisis
A Honolulu Board of Water Supply expert said the fuel tanks are “entering an end of life phase” but the military wants to decide if any tanks need to be emptied.
Eric Stinton: Red Hill Should Change The Way We Think About The Military
The economic value of the military presence in Hawaii should be weighed against the environmental and other costs.
Some In Pearl City Say Clean Water Run Through Navy Pipes Also Seems Tainted
The Board of Water Supply says its water is clean and safe, but it’s traveling through Navy pipes, and residents in Manana Housing are reporting problems.Â
Military Families Who Sued Over Kaneohe Soil Contamination Get Another Day In Court
After a federal judge rejected most of their claims, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sent the case to state court.