Civil Beat Categories

Mauna Kea

Ian Lind: A Judge’s Findings Leave TMT Opponents Few Options Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Ian Lind: A Judge’s Findings Leave TMT Opponents Few Options

The decision to let the Thirty Meter Telescope move forward closely tracks reasoning in an earlier case involving a Maui telescope.

Telescope Opponent Wants Free Access To Transcripts From State Land Board Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2015

Telescope Opponent Wants Free Access To Transcripts From State Land Board

Anaina Hou group isn’t satisfied with an offer from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to provide access to the documents.

The Stage Is Set For Tuesday’s Thirty Meter Telescope Hearing Courtesy TMT International Observatory

The Stage Is Set For Tuesday’s Thirty Meter Telescope Hearing

Hearing officer Riki May Amano, a retired judge, will have her hands full keeping order in this forum.

State Investigating Placement Of Human Remains At TMT Site Cory Lum/Civil Beat

State Investigating Placement Of Human Remains At TMT Site

The Department of Land and Natural Resources acknowledged the probe in response to a public records request but won’t say more

Harry Kim Wins Big Island Mayor Race Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Harry Kim Wins Big Island Mayor Race

Former managing director Wally Lau finished a distant second.

TMT ‘Seeking Alternatives’ To Hawaii Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2015

TMT ‘Seeking Alternatives’ To Hawaii

Hawaii is still an option for the Thirty Meter Telescope project, but other locations are being sought.

Judge Seeks ‘Fresh’ Start, But Acrimony Over TMT Resurfaces Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Judge Seeks ‘Fresh’ Start, But Acrimony Over TMT Resurfaces

Native Hawaiians flood a pre-hearing conference Monday as lawyers argue about what’s ahead for a June 17 contested-case hearing.

The State Must Be Held Accountable On TMT Process Cory Lum/Civil Beat

The State Must Be Held Accountable On TMT Process

Protests opposing construction of the telescope on Mauna Kea got lots of attention in 2015. But if the project falls apart, state officials will bear the blame.