Not Just Potheads: A Look at Who Supports Legal Marijuana
Four states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana use. It’s an issue sure to come up again in Hawaii in the coming year.
After Serving Most of Prison Term, ‘Minister of Cannabis’ Halfway Home
Roger Christie says he’ll smoke marijuana again, but only when he’s legally allowed. For now, his focus is on changing federal law.
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: ‘No One Model’ for Hawaii
Setting up a system is hard work, a task force is told. Law enforcement warns facilities could be magnets for crime.
Why Has It Taken Hawaii 14 Years to Get Around to Medical Pot Dispensaries?
New legislative report shows the state is one of only a few that doesn’t help patients find medical pot even though it’s legal.
Medical Marijuana Program Marked By ‘Glaring Uncertainties’
Dispensary task force report details recommendations to Hawaii Legislature; public testimony sought.
Where Can You Get Pakalolo and Medical Marijuana in the US?
Pot is still illegal in most of America, but a new report says there are “substantial activities” towards more liberal policies.