Civil Beat Categories


Living Hawaii: How Island Appeal Adds to the Nation’s Highest Rents PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Living Hawaii: How Island Appeal Adds to the Nation’s Highest Rents

When it comes to rents and real estate, the state’s middle class can’t compete with the endless pool of people who want to move here.

Doctors and Lawyers: An Innovative Partnership in Kalihi Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Doctors and Lawyers: An Innovative Partnership in Kalihi

The Medical-Legal Partnership for Children in Hawaii has been helping the low-income community for the past six years.

Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation Wants Medicaid for COFA Migrants

The goal is to address a 1996 federal law that made immigrants from three Micronesian nations ineligible for medical assistance for the poor.

Driver’s License Bill Recognizes Sacrifices of Immigrants Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Driver’s License Bill Recognizes Sacrifices of Immigrants

We can acknowledge their experiences by enabling those contributing to our state, who continue to fight for the survival of their families, to live unafraid.

Should Undocumented Immigrants Be Able to Get Driver’s Licenses? PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Should Undocumented Immigrants Be Able to Get Driver’s Licenses?

Under House Bill 1007, residents could apply for a limited purpose Hawaii driver’s license without showing proof of U.S. citizenship. Supporters say it would assist anyone with ID problems, and make the roads safer for everyone.

New Report Estimates More Taxes From Undocumented Immigrants Courtesy of Korean Resource Center

New Report Estimates More Taxes From Undocumented Immigrants

Hawaii will see about a 10 percent increase in taxes paid by undocumented immigrants because of the president’s executive actions.

Takai Bill Would Increase COFA Migrant Fund to $185M Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Takai Bill Would Increase COFA Migrant Fund to $185M

Hawaii, Guam and the Northern Marianas have struggled to help growing Micronesian populations.

A Cultural Exchange Program or a Ticket to Sweatshop Labor? Cory Lum/Civil Beat

A Cultural Exchange Program or a Ticket to Sweatshop Labor?

A Japanese woman’s poor working conditions as a Waikiki pastry chef illustrate the dark side of a visa program that brings thousands of temporary foreign workers to Hawaii each year.

Looking at Census, Hawaii May Not Be as ‘Local’ as You Think Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Looking at Census, Hawaii May Not Be as ‘Local’ as You Think

Some states have far higher percentages of local-born residents, but that doesn’t silence the talk about what it means to be ‘local’ in the islands.

Hirono: Estimated 7,000 Hawaii Immigrants Will Benefit from Obama Action PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Hirono: Estimated 7,000 Hawaii Immigrants Will Benefit from Obama Action

Sen. Mazie Hirono calls the president’s action a good first step but is hopeful a new Congress will do more to help immigrant families.