Want To Be On Hawaii’s 2020 Presidential Ballot? Show Us Your Taxes
An Oahu lawmaker plans legislation that would require all presidential candidates to release their returns.
Who Voted For Donald Trump In Hawaii?
A lot of his support came from mostly white, affluent tourism areas. He did especially well on parts of the North Shore.
Hawaii Union Works To Overthrow State House Leaders
Through endorsements and contributions, United Public Workers backed old-guard candidates and others who challenged current leadership.
Reader Rep: Was It Fair To Turn Kirk Caldwell Into A Cardboard Cutout?
Credit Civil Beat for coming up with a creative approach to candidate videos. But the resulting coverage could have been more balanced.
Schatz: Remember Sanders’ Passion When Looking To 2018 Vote
“We need a progressive counter-revolution,” says the Hawaii senator, who was elected to a full six-year term Tuesday.
Chad Blair: Wednesday-Morning Quarterbacking Hawaii’s Election
Everyone’s talking about you-know-who, but there were outcomes in local politics also worth keeping top of mind.
Neal Milner: What The Chicago Cubs Can Teach Us About Civility
The election showed our dark side while the World Series was a glimmer of light about how things ought to be.
Hawaii’s General Election Turnout Dipped To 58.3 Percent This Year
The last presidential election in 2012 attracted a 61.9 percent turnout, but that ballot included Hawaii-born Barack Obama.
The Projector: General Election — The Day The Earth Stood Still
Tuesday began with the usual polling place rituals. By late that night, change had come to America, overshadowing local races.
Voters Split On Making Changes To State Constitution
Voters narrowly agreed to a measure involving excess state funds but turned down an increase in the financial threshold for jury trials.