The Navy Has Promised Action On Mental Health And Suicide, But Sailors Are Still Dying
The death of a sailor from a self-inflicted gunshot at a luxury resort in Honolulu this weekend was the third gun death tied to the Pacific Fleet submarine force in just over 16 months.
Bans On High Capacity Magazines For Guns Fail At Legislature
Bills to legalize recreational marijuana and collect more data on police use of force also stall.
9th Circuit Upholds Hawaii Laws Against Open Carry Of Firearms
The opinion is a departure from other federal rulings that have generally upheld Second Amendment rights. Meanwhile, firearm permit applications rose 63% in 2020.
Ban On Large-Capacity Rifle Magazines Clears Committee
Magazines that hold more than 10 rounds are already banned in Hawaii for handguns, but not for rifles.
Navy Expects Reforms To Follow Pearl Harbor Shooting Investigation
The report will help inform a larger military review of mental health and safety policies.
Gun Bills Likely To Pass In Wake Of Diamond Head Shooting
Hawaii lawmakers have several bills lined up for votes that look to curb access to guns and ammunition in the state.
Chad Blair: I’ll Give You My Membership Fee When You Pry It From My Cold, Dead Hands
The author is receiving multiple unwanted solicitations from the National Association for Gun Rights.
Hawaii Lawmakers Work To Keep The Mentally Ill Out Of Jail
Mental health advocates, state officials, police and lawmakers have been working together to come up with better ways to get treatment for non-violent offenders.
Judge Puts Hawaii Taser Case On Hold
A lawsuit over the right to carry a stun gun for personal protection will wait on the outcome of a seemingly unrelated weapons case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Pearl Harbor Shooting Survivor Released From Hospital
Roger Nakamine is the only gunshot victim who survived the attack last week.