Civil Beat Categories

Federal Government

The Last Alii: The Death Of Prince Jonah Kuhio Hawaii State Archives/1922

The Last Alii: The Death Of Prince Jonah Kuhio

Kuhio, a celebrity during his lifetime, had spent decades working on behalf of the people of Hawaii but today few people know how great a mark he made.

Hilo Was Easy, Honolulu Was Hell: How Prince Kuhio Rebuilt Hawaii David Croxford/Civil Beat/2023

Hilo Was Easy, Honolulu Was Hell: How Prince Kuhio Rebuilt Hawaii

Kuhio’s legacy includes lighthouses, breakwaters, roads and parks and helping get women the vote.

Prince Kuhio And King Sugar: The Powerful Industry Became A Double-Edged Political Sword Courtesy of Alexander & Baldwin

Prince Kuhio And King Sugar: The Powerful Industry Became A Double-Edged Political Sword

Sugar permanently transformed Hawaii’s landscape, propelled immigration and laid the foundation for an early middle class.

Luaus And Lawmakers: Early Junkets To Hawaii Brought Many Rewards Collection of U.S. House of Representatives

Luaus And Lawmakers: Early Junkets To Hawaii Brought Many Rewards

Prince Kuhio became a master at leading congressional delegations to Hawaii, winning converts to the causes he championed for the islands

‘Seen And Heard’: Biden Pledges More Support For Asian, Hawaiian And Pacific Communities AP Photo/Patrick Semansky/2022

‘Seen And Heard’: Biden Pledges More Support For Asian, Hawaiian And Pacific Communities

Community advocates are excited about the possibility of better data collection that could help highlight disparities among smaller ethnic groups.

Hawaii Proud Boys Founder Sentenced To Four Years In Prison Screenshot/2021

Hawaii Proud Boys Founder Sentenced To Four Years In Prison

Nicholas Ochs, who was described by prosecutors as an “elder” in the extremist organization, was an active participant in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

DOJ Seeks 4-Year Prison Sentence For Hawaii Proud Boys Founder U.S. Justice Department/2021

DOJ Seeks 4-Year Prison Sentence For Hawaii Proud Boys Founder

Nicholas Ochs claimed he was a journalist when he breached the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 with a mob of pro-Trump supporters. Prosecutors say he was a high-ranking official within the extremist organization who promoted violence.

The Interior Department Is Developing A New Policy For Native Hawaiian Consultation Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2021

The Interior Department Is Developing A New Policy For Native Hawaiian Consultation

Native Hawaiians are not federally recognized as having a government-to-government relationship with the U.S. similar to American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives.

VA Doctors Have Legal Protection To Perform Abortions, Secretary Says Screenshot/2022

VA Doctors Have Legal Protection To Perform Abortions, Secretary Says

Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough testified during a Senate hearing that the DOJ has issued an opinion saying that doctors at the veterans’ facilities are still able to perform abortions.

Hawaii Activists Travel To DC To Demand Action On Red Hill Nick Grube/Civil Beat/2022

Hawaii Activists Travel To DC To Demand Action On Red Hill

The Oahu Water Protectors organized a rally outside the White House to keep up pressure on the U.S. Navy to shut down the WWII era fuel farm that’s sickened thousands in the islands.