Trisha Kehaulani Watson: This Maui Fight Doesn’t Belong In The Supreme Court
We’re better off if some environmental battles were resolved with innovation and negotiation rather than in a courtroom.
Study: Moving Ourselves Away From The Shoreline Is Hard But Doable
A new report sheds light on some of the critical factors for the state to consider when implementing a managed retreat strategy.
Kauai: Picking Up The Pieces After Big Disasters
After last year’s big flood and hurricane damage, two local communities are finding their footing with disaster plans tailored for their areas.
These Rare Seabirds Are Having Babies On Oahu’s North Shore
Years of chopping down invasive trees, replanting native species and controlling predators may be paying off for albatross threatened by sea level rise.
Should Hawaii Tax Carbon Emissions To Combat Climate Change?
Several measures in the Legislature give the public a chance to weigh in on what could be a sweeping environmental policy reform.
Rushing To Save Kauai’s Ohia Trees From A Deadly, Fast-Spreading Disease
Rapid ohia death, which has felled hundreds of thousands of the environmentally and culturally important trees on the Big Island, was first spotted on Kauai in May.
Developing An Action Plan For Oahu: ‘The Climate Is Not Waiting For Us’
Officials with the city climate office toured the island over the past few months to spread public awareness of the issue and gather feedback on ways to reduce emissions.
We Have To Move Our Homes And Businesses Away From The Shoreline. But How?
Hawaii lawmakers will confront major policy questions this session as they grapple with looming problems from a warming planet.
Scientists Surprised To Find Endangered Seabirds On Oahu
The critically endangered Newell’s shearwater and Hawaiian petrel were thought to be living almost exclusively on Kauai.
Massive Flood Risks Don’t Deter Kauai Homeowners From Rebuilding
Kauai has tightened requirements for shoreline development, but they don’t take into account more alarming recent predictions of the impact of climate change and rising seas.