The Coronavirus Has Been Good For Hanauma Bay
Scientists say studies being done in the unusual absence of tourists will help them understand the impact of large numbers of people on the natural world.

What Can We Do With All Our Unrecyclable Plastic?
Here are three innovative solutions to tackle the flood of plastic pollution that can never be recycled.

EPA: Hawaii Must Consider Plastic Pollution鈥檚 Effect On Water Quality
UPDATED: The state health department is now required to review how plastic affects water after the federal agency found it ignored evidence and data.

Is Climate Change Affecting The Spread Of Disease?
A warming climate could negatively impact Hawaii residents’ ability to fight off diseases like the flu and COVID-19, and will enable the spread of more ailments.

Federal Fishery Managers Get Creative To Help Hawaii’s Tuna Fishermen
The longline fleet relies on U.S. Pacific Island territories to go beyond its base catch limit for bigeye. Now one of the three territories won’t sign the deal.

How Do You Talk To People About Climate Change Without Freaking Them Out?
A majority of adults in Hawaii know global warming is happening, but not many discuss the issue with friends, family or co-workers.

This Oahu Developer Is Planting A Native Hawaiian Forest
A Hilo-born haole plants Hawaiian trees and flowers every chance he gets.

The Future For Fishing: Managing A Lucrative Resource In The Face Of Climate Change
Congressional leaders are considering ways to make the nation’s primary fisheries management law more effective as the planet warms.

Oil Constantly Leaks From The USS Arizona. Is That An Environmental Problem?
The USS Arizona and USS Utah have leaked thousands of gallons of oil in Pearl Harbor since the 1941 attack and there鈥檚 no plan to stop the flow anytime soon.

Study: Monument Expansion Cut Into Profits For Some Fishermen
The tuna longliners in Hawaii who previously fished near Papahanaumokuakea had to find new fishing grounds after it was expanded.