Civil Beat Categories


Will Hawaii Lawmakers Address Concerns About Pesticides? Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Will Hawaii Lawmakers Address Concerns About Pesticides?

Sen. Josh Green wants to require more disclosure of chemical use by farmers and impose buffer zones around schools, but it will be an uphill battle.

GMO Labeling: Congress Should Settle Issue, Require Transparency

GMO Labeling: Congress Should Settle Issue, Require Transparency

People want to know what they’re eating, and that’s a right that shouldn’t be established on a state-by-state basis.

Bigeye Tuna Remains on Hawaii’s Menu — But for How Long?

There’s been a lot of talk among power players about dangerously declining fish stocks in the Pacific, but action has been unsubstantial.

SHAKA Movement Seeks Dismissal of Suit Against Maui GMO Farming Ban PF Bentley/Civil Beat

SHAKA Movement Seeks Dismissal of Suit Against Maui GMO Farming Ban

A hearing is scheduled for March 10 on the motion by the SHAKA Movement, which has intervened to defend the voter-approved ban.

Federal Fisheries Group Uses Public Money to Lobby Against Protecting Fish

Wespac officials produced a glossy brochure and lobbied in D.C., and it came at a price.

Honolulu Zoo has Big Plans for Japanese Giant Salamanders Yuki Taguchi at the Hanzaki Institute

Honolulu Zoo has Big Plans for Japanese Giant Salamanders

The rare amphibians are revered in Asia. Now Hawaii is looking at “hosting an ambassador of the species.”

New Fuel Contamination Detected in Red Hill Monitoring Wells PF Bentley/Civil Beat

New Fuel Contamination Detected in Red Hill Monitoring Wells

Findings suggest the plume of leaked fuel below the Navy facility has migrated in the direction of drinking water supplies.

Historic $7M Spent by Group Against Maui GMO Farming Moratorium PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Historic $7M Spent by Group Against Maui GMO Farming Moratorium

Now global seed companies Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences are spending more on a legal challenge to the voter-approved initiative.

State, Kauai County Plan $100K Study of Pesticide Use on GMO Crops John Pritchett/Civil Beat

State, Kauai County Plan $100K Study of Pesticide Use on GMO Crops

Consultant plans to engage community and evaluate scientific evidence starting in January.

Officials Will Have to Wait on Plan to Restrict Hawaii’s Plentiful Cesspools Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Officials Will Have to Wait on Plan to Restrict Hawaii’s Plentiful Cesspools

UPDATED: Neil Abercrombie leaves office without signing off on rules that would ban new cesspools and require property owners to eventually upgrade to septic tanks.