Tokuda Shoots Down Pesticide Buffer Zones Bill Without a Hearing
Despite pressure from its supporters, the Hawaii senator refuses to call a hearing for a bill to require buffer zones around schools.
Ige Urges Senators to Support Carleton Ching Nomination for DLNR
The governor sent a letter to senators listing reasons to support his controversial nominee, ranging from his executive experience to the fact that he grew up in Hawaii.
House Panel Rejects Bill to Impose Buffer Zones for Pesticides
UPDATED: Similar measures are advancing in the Senate and await hearings involving senators Jill Tokuda and Rosalyn Baker.
Babes Against Civility: Environmentalism Poisons Itself
Babes Against Biotech and other Maui County groups are risking undermining the environmental cause with unfair attacks on opponents.
Hawaii Governor Supports Buffer Zones for Pesticide Spraying
Three Senate committees approved a bill to require large agricultural companies to abide by buffer zones for spraying restricted-use pesticides around schools and other sensitive areas.
Is Carleton Ching the Man to Protect Hawaii’s Public Lands?
Important issues are ahead for the Department of Land and Natural Resources, and some of them are likely to involve the company that currently employs the nominee to head the agency.
Hawaii House Panel to Take Up Pesticide Buffer Zones
Anti-GMO advocates are drumming up support for the measure to limit where large ag companies like Monsanto can spray pesticides.
Maui County Isn’t Sticking Up For Its GMO Farming Moratorium
A Maui County spokesman said that it’s up to the SHAKA Movement to defend the bill now that the group has intervened in a lawsuit.
Environmentalists Criticize Gov. Ige’s Land Board Nominee
A petition urges the state Senate to reject the appointment of Carleton Ching to chair the Department of Land and Natural Resources.
Will Hawaii Lawmakers Address Concerns About Pesticides?
Sen. Josh Green wants to require more disclosure of chemical use by farmers and impose buffer zones around schools, but it will be an uphill battle.