Hawaii Elections Office Wants Ballots Mailed Tuesday
Ballots can also be dropped off at drop boxes spread throughout the state and there are still in-person voting options.

Danny De Gracia: Don’t Be Scared To Vote By Mail
It’s a safe, secure way to cast your ballot this election despite all the fear-mongering.

John Pritchett: The Great Trumpkin
The U.S. election is just nine days away. Will voters reward the president with a trick or a treat?

Chad Blair: Here鈥檚 Who Really Votes For President In Hawaii
It鈥檚 the members of the Electoral College that make the ultimate determination. But will this year be different?

Hawaii Voter Turnout Already At 41%
Officials ask that voters mail ballots by Tuesday.

Honolulu GOP Chair Violated Federal Hatch Act
Brett Kulbis used party social media pages to solicit political contributions.

Election Violence In November? Here鈥檚 What The Research Says
Fears of widespread violence by vigilantes and activists during and after Election Day should be treated as fears, not as a probable outcome.

Honolulu Mayoral Candidates Can’t — Or Won’t — Say What They’ll Do About Rail
Facing a more than $1 billion deficit, Amemiya and Blangiardi say they don’t have enough information to map out the next steps to finish the project.

Blangiardi = Trump, Amemiya = Values
The latest television commercials from the men who would be Honolulu’s mayor.

Democrats Rally To Defend Leeward House Seat In Eli-Garcia Race
This is one of the few seats that Republicans could likely pick up in the Nov. 3 election.