Why This New Hawaii Super PAC Has Already Changed Its Name
The backlash over using a Hawaiian song title without permission has been building for weeks and surfaced at the state Democratic Convention.
Denby Fawcett: Hawaii Politics Has Never Been For The Faint-Hearted
Rough political attacks are nothing new. In 1874, supporters of Queen Emma physically assaulted backers of David Kalakaua in the aftermath of a royal election.
A Republican Governor Would Bring New Uncertainty To Rail Project
Some GOP candidates have called for radical changes in how the transit project moves forward, but they’ve also been light on specifics.
Here’s What Candidates For Governor Say About Public Information Policies
There are differences in how they would deal with high public records fees and requiring public commission members to disclose conflicts.
Neal Milner: After Trump’s Win We’d Be Crazy To Write Off David Ige
The pundits tell you Colleen Hanabusa has a good chance of being Hawaii’s next governor. But you probably misunderstand the probabilities.
Hawaii Elections 2018: Primary Ballot
Hundreds of candidates have filed to run in the August primary. We’ll update with info about them throughout the summer.
Tulsi Gabbard Is Writing A Book
The Hawaii congresswoman has signed with a high-profile literary agency that says it represents “presidential contenders.”
Late Moves Shake Up Hawaii Races For Governor, Congress
While half of the state legislative seats have just one candidate in the primary, many others will be competitive.
Ed Case Prepares To Enter Hawaii Race For Congress
The former congressman pulled papers to run Monday, the day before the filing deadline.
Kaniela Ing Faces More Campaign Finance Questions — This Time From Feds
Already accused of misspending state campaign funds, he now must answer to the Federal Election Commission regarding congressional campaign filings.