Budget Shortfall Forces Kapiolani Community College To Cut Classes, Jobs
The college has seen a 25% decline in enrollment over the last decade and plans to eliminate 329 student employee positions in the coming year.
Hawaii DOE Releases Revised Data on Student Suspensions
Release of the data comes amid efforts to correct what the DOE says was erroneous counts of students suspensions in the 2015-16 school year.
Court Rules Hawaiian Immersion Access Is Constitutional Right
The 49-page decision from the Hawaii Supreme Court hinges on amendments made to the state Constitution in 1978 to revive Hawaiian language and culture.
This Program Diverted Tons Of Trash From Landfills. Now It Might End
Eight schools applied for funding under a new state law aimed at expanding campus composting programs, but the DOE awarded the grant money to an engineering firm instead.
More Hawaii Students Are Leaving The State For College
The percentage of Hawaii kids choosing out-of-state schools is significantly higher than the national average.
Complaint Says Hawaii DOE Suspends Too Many Students With Disabilities
The ACLU recently published data that shows Hawaii issued more suspensions, on average, to students with disabilities than any other state in the U.S.
Head Start Preschool Program In Hawaii Gets Federal Boost
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will award nearly $10 million to three Hawaii nonprofits that operate the Head Start preschool program.
Feds: Hawaii Still Coming Up Short In Meeting Special Education Needs
Hawaii still needs assistance in implementing provisions of a federal law designed to improve services for special education students.
Education Think Tank Sues The DOE For Financial Data
The Education Institute of Hawaii claims the state department is violating Hawaii’s open records laws by refusing to turn over most of the requested financial records.
Hawaii’s Shrinking Schools Raise Questions About Student Transfer Program
DOE data shows the popularity of “geographic exceptions” that let students transfer out of their local schools is surging.