Hawaii Ed Board Chair Expects Acellus To ‘Drop Dead’ By End Of School Year
The online curriculum, which some principals have rejected for racist content, is likely on its way out.
DOE Schools Could See Updated Health Guidance Next Week
The possibility comes as almost all 257 DOE schools continue in an all-distance learning format.
Eric Stinton: It’s Time For Some Kids To Start Learning In Person Again
Bringing small groups of students back to classrooms now will help administrators prepare for a larger reopening.
University Of Hawaii Executives To Take Pay Cuts
The cuts will come as the state ponders furloughs for public employees.
Hawaii DOE Has Struggled To Cope With The Pandemic. Can It Do Better?
As the district debates reopening metrics and reels from a problematic online education platform, parents are left to pick up the slack so students can continue learning.
Hip-Hop And Hindi Fill This Second Grader’s Distance Learning Days
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced parents to figure out how to turn their homes into classrooms.
Board of Ed Settles Sunshine Lawsuit, Will Rehear Petition
Sunny Unga’s lawsuit was spurred by plans to construct new windmills by Kahuku Elementary without the school community’s input.
Eric Stinton: COVID-19 Gives Us A Chance To Change How We Teach. Let’s Not Waste It
Teachers need to be freed up from administrative tasks so they can spend more time actually teaching.
Schatz Seeks Details On Ventilation In Classrooms
U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz told private and public school leaders that proper circulation and ventilation in the schools is critical to prevent COVID-19 spread.
Hawaii Schools To Continue Mostly Distance Learning Through December
Education officials plan to follow new Department of Health guidelines for when it’s safe for kids to return to the classroom.