University Of Hawaii Report Finds ‘Discriminatory Policing’ In Honolulu Schools
Researchers said Hawaiian, Pacific Islander and Black students were disproportionately cited for offenses like running away from home or truancy.
Did Unions’ Lack of Support Spell Trouble for School Superintendent?
Some education insiders said while union opposition was damaging, it was not “as simple as unions throwing their weight around.”
DOE Doesn’t Expect Schools To Fully Reopen Until Next Year
The latest reopening plan for public schools was unveiled after education officials struck a new agreement with the teachers’ union.
How One Private School Is Trying To Help Public Schools Catch Up
Hanahauoli School, a private elementary school, said its tuition-free virtual summer school for DOE kids is made possible by a donation from a local family.
From The Philippines To Lanai: State Hopes New Teaching Recruits Will Fill A Gap
Three Filipina teachers are working on one of Hawaii’s smallest inhabited islands, while a fourth is on Oahu after a journey interrupted by COVID-19.
Hawaii Schools Superintendent To Step Down After Her Contract Expires In July
Christina Kishimoto faced intense criticism from the teachers’ union and principals over what they said was a failure to present a clear strategy for dealing with the pandemic.
Hawaii Aims To Reopen Elementary Schools After Spring Break
The guidance comes after several behind-the-scenes meetings involving the Department of Education and other state leaders.
Hawaii Preschools See Declines In Enrollment And Available Seats
Private pre-kindergarten programs have lost $7 million in tuition as fewer families send children to school, according to the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools.
Eric Stinton: The DOE Is Looking In The Wrong Places To Trim The Fat
If we cut teacher differentials for special education teachers, those who suffer the most will be the ones who need teachers the most.
Hawaii Gives Green Light To Limited In-Person Graduation Ceremonies
The ceremonies must be held outdoors or in a place with “adequate ventilation” and adhere to other strict COVID-19 safety protocols.