Civil Beat Categories

Coronavirus in Hawaii

Prison Commission Demands Answers On COVID-19 At Arizona Prison Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2016

Prison Commission Demands Answers On COVID-19 At Arizona Prison

An attorney alleges that more than a dozen staff members have COVID-19. CoreCivic says two have tested positive.

Free ‘Pop-Up’ Health Clinic In Kalihi Aims To Cover The Newly Uninsured Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2020

Free ‘Pop-Up’ Health Clinic In Kalihi Aims To Cover The Newly Uninsured

More than 140 doctors and nurses have already contacted Dr. Jim Ireland, one of the organizers to work at the Aloha Free Clinic.

Hawaii Public Schools Gear Up For Summer Programs Suevon Lee/Civil Beat/2020

Hawaii Public Schools Gear Up For Summer Programs

The Hawaii DOE expects participation in summer school to be much higher than in recent years.

Honolulu Expanding Virus Testing With Federal Funds Ronen Zilberman/Civil Beat/2020

Honolulu Expanding Virus Testing With Federal Funds

The program is slated to be operational within six weeks.

Kauai Wants To Reopen Churches, Zipline Tours Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2019

Kauai Wants To Reopen Churches, Zipline Tours

There have been no reported coronavirus infections on the Garden Isle for more than five weeks.

Denby Fawcett: Hawaii’s Homeless Have Avoided COVID-19 — So Far Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2020

Denby Fawcett: Hawaii’s Homeless Have Avoided COVID-19 — So Far

Officials got a jump on preventing the disease among the homeless, who may also have been protected by their habits.

Ige Maps Out A Reopening Plan Allowing Hawaii To ‘Live With Covid-19’ Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2020

Ige Maps Out A Reopening Plan Allowing Hawaii To ‘Live With Covid-19’

The governor’s four-phase plan would allow “medium-risk” businesses such as salons and restaurants to start operating with restrictions in June.

Hawaii Medicaid Applications Soar Amid Widespread Job Losses Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Hawaii Medicaid Applications Soar Amid Widespread Job Losses

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the fragility of Hawaii’s acclaimed health insurance system that relies on employer-sponsored plans.

Honolulu Spared From Paying A Hefty Price For Lack Of Trash City and County of Honolulu/2017

Honolulu Spared From Paying A Hefty Price For Lack Of Trash

Its garbage-for-power deals address extreme events beyond the city’s control.

Danny De Gracia: Maximize Federal Aid Before We Chop Up The State Budget Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2020

Danny De Gracia: Maximize Federal Aid Before We Chop Up The State Budget

Our columnist often wonders聽鈥渨hat would Sen. Daniel Inouye do鈥 for Hawaii in a situation like this.