Homeless Are Eligible For CARES Act Funds, Too
UPDATED: Please help get the word out, as the Nov. 15 deadline to apply for the stimulus money looms.
Sure, Wear Masks, But Don’t Neglect A Healthy Lifestyle
The true lesson from the pandemic is that we have failed to follow the basics.
Tom Yamachika: Emergency Powers Keep Spending Details From Public
The State Procurement Code and open records law have been suspended because of the pandemic.
Without Data And Stress-Tested Protocols, It’s Foolish To Reopen Hawaii
A poorly planned COVID-19 response will ultimately cause further harm to our hospitality industry workers.
Instead Of Furloughs, Tax Those Who Can Afford It
Historic sacrifices must be made to reduce the loss of life and to repair our economy.
Campaign Corner: Amemiya, Blangiardi Just More Of The Same
Their visions are echoes of each other and an echo of the Caldwell administration.
Paradise Is Going Underwater. What Can We do?
Hawaii must adopt and implement sea level rise mitigation measures.
Hawaii Is Leading The Clean Energy Transformation
So how do we make sure no one gets left behind?
Tom Yamachika: Ige’s Veto Of The ‘Revolving Door’ Bill
The legislation was flawed, but not for the reasons the governor cited.
Campaign Corner: Why I Fear Losing The Right To Vote
We are facing challenges to our democracy that could drastically affect all of us.