We Should Build Homes In Kakaako Makai
But OHA’s support of Senate Bill 1334 on raising high-rise height limits is not the best approach.
Sustainable Air Travel Bill Could Be A ‘Game Changer’
Jet fuel combustion is Hawaii’s largest single source of carbon emissions.
There Are Options For Landlords And Tenants Seeking Resolution
When it comes to disputes in the courts, everyone should be assured of being treated equally under the law.
Our Kids Deserve A Vaping-Free Future
No parent or teacher can single-handedly fight the millions of dollars the tobacco industry is spending to hook young people.
It’s Time For Hawaii To Pass A Paid Sick Leave Law
Workers should not have to choose between losing their wages or infecting their colleagues.
It’s Time For Safe, Legal Access To Psychedelics
We need new tools to address the mental health challenges we face.
Hawaii’s Pro-Voting Reforms Are Strengthening Our Elections
Let’s take the next step and make automatic voter registration a part of the picture.
Vaccinate The Vulnerable
Why are we prioritizing age over illness?
Hawaiians Deserve The Right To Determine Use Of Their Lands
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is moving forward with development of its Kakaako Makai property.
Make Sure Hawaii’s Tax Policy Is Equitable
The Legislature considers numerous tax bills every session and this year is no exception.