Civil Beat Categories

Community Voice

Showing 10 of 2731 results.
Whole Child Left Behind: How Hawaii’s ‘Model’ Approach Fails Kids Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Whole Child Left Behind: How Hawaii’s ‘Model’ Approach Fails Kids

The top-down, business model of public education that our state advances today is obsessed with mass testing, teacher evaluation and other dubious reform measures.

In the End, in Kakaako, Only Kindness Matters Cory Lum/Civil Beat

In the End, in Kakaako, Only Kindness Matters

Taking food and supplies to the homeless encampment in urban Honolulu renews one writer’s connection to our common humanity.

Wake Up, Hawaii, It’s Not All About the Telescope Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Wake Up, Hawaii, It’s Not All About the Telescope

Let’s get comfortable with being uncomfortable, so that we can gain more from the diversity of our opinions.

Politics Are Why Our Electricity Bills Will Remain High ProVision Solar

Politics Are Why Our Electricity Bills Will Remain High

Unless we make bringing down electricity costs the top priority in energy policy, most of us will continue to pay far too much.

Tom Yamachika: State Holds All the Cards Regarding Tax Credit Filings DonkeyHotey/

Tom Yamachika: State Holds All the Cards Regarding Tax Credit Filings

Taxpayers only have 12 months to file for credits, but state has up to three years to amend those credits — downward.

Proposed NextEra Merger: And Now, a Few Words From Lanai Ornellas

Proposed NextEra Merger: And Now, a Few Words From Lanai

Lanai residents, well, some of them anyway, turned out for a couple of recent sessions with NextEra and the Public Utilities Commission.

A Drone Strategy for Hawaii’s Future Jason Rushin/Civil Beat

A Drone Strategy for Hawaii’s Future

The islands should incorporate unmanned aerial vehicles into tourism, education, research and entrepreneurship.

Can Drones Play a Vital Role in Hawaii’s Future? Courtesy: DJI

Can Drones Play a Vital Role in Hawaii’s Future?

Alaska has already embarked on an audacious statewide strategy to make unmanned aerial vehicles a major part of its economy.

Silent Majority of Hawaiians Gain Voice Flickr: Sheree Zielke

Silent Majority of Hawaiians Gain Voice

After spending three years and over $4 million to create a list of Native Hawaiians  more than 84 percent of all Native Hawaiians remain un-registered.

Deja Vu for Teachers: A New School Year With the Same Old Challenges

Deja Vu for Teachers: A New School Year With the Same Old Challenges

The state’s desperate effort to fill teaching positions by offering one-time incentives proves that salaries here aren’t enough to attract highly qualified teachers.