Delaying Medical Tests To Save Money Is A Dangerous Game
The Hawaii Medical Service Association is tying the hands of doctors by revoking their preapproval to order advanced imaging tests.

Time To Recognize Bravery, Service Of Filipino WWII Vets
Hundreds of thousands of Filipinio soldiers fought for the United States in World War II, but were later denied recognition and benefits. That wrong must be righted for the 17,000 still alive.

Hawaii Shouldn’t Miss The Opportunity To Build the TMT
Native Hawaiian opposition is tied more to past injustices than to an accurate assessment of the proposed telescope’s effects.

Big Payoffs For Kids, For A Fraction Of Honolulu Rail Costs
Too many Hawaii children are falling behind early, due to inadequate education supports, and never catch up. Investing in them now yields huge savings later.

Djou’s Warning Too Late For A Party Steeped In Birtherism
Rather than rebuke Trump’s attacks on the truthfulness of President Obama’s birth records five years ago, local Republicans refused to condemn them and in one case even encouraged them.

Not Enough Hawaii Students Start The Day Off Right
Hawaii has one of the nation’s lowest rates of students participating in school breakfast programs. We can fix that.

The Baby Penalty: Hawaii Should Lift Motherhood’s Unfair Burden
The lack of paid family leave perpetuates status differences between men and women that almost always disadvantage mothers. We can do better.

Protecting Hawaiian Kingdom Legacy Is Today’s Kuleana
The creation of a Hawaiian nation under the U.S. would imperil the remaining alii trusts and the wealth and landholdings they represent.

Economic Justice Starts With Correcting Tax System Inequities
Hawaii’s heavily regressive tax system pushes the impoverished down, while simultaneously offering them a hand up.

A Call To Renew Our Hearts With Real Biblical Values
Evangelist Franklin Graham’s recent appearance in Honolulu fanned the flames of anxiety and fear. But Jesus was about tearing down walls.