No Scapegoat, Don Horner Earned His Departure From HART
A skilled bank executive with years of private-sector experience from the private sector, Don Horner failed to adjust his style in his capacity as a public servant.

Patients Caught In The Crossfire Of HMSA’s ‘War On Doctors’
A new payment system for doctors rewards physicians for healthier patients who require less care. That doesn’t bode well for patients who require complicated, expensive care.

Government Favoritism For Uber And Lyft Is Wrong
Transportation companies are sidestepping rules and regulations to trample over the local, small business taxi industry.

Hawaii Is Safe, But We Shouldn’t Be Complacent
Missiles in North Korea, cyberattacks and the possibility of terrorist shooters springing up in our midst all provide ample reason to be prepared.

Tom Yamachika: Begging For A Piece Of Hawaii’s Hotel Room Tax Pie
A quick history of the transient accommodations tax and how it’s been divvied up by the state and four counties.

We Must Act Now To Save Endangered Wildlife
The author introduced a bill, now close to final passage, that would ban trafficking in Hawaii of parts or products made from endangered wildlife species.

Lack Of Access To Psychiatric Care Allows Suffering, Costs Lives
A bipolar disorder patient who has experienced the realities of mental health care access on a neighbor island argues that highly trained psychologists should be allowed to prescribe certain meds.

Senators: State Should Buy Dole Ag Lands On Oahu
What we need are working farms with long鈥恡erm聽leases that allow them to invest in their business, and sufficient land to produce the steady聽crops our market demands.

HB 1072 Would Endanger Mental Health Patients
A physician-legislator argues that the bill’s education requirements would guarantee sub-optimal care that could put lives at risk.

Hawaii Schools Need A Transgender Policy Now
A growing number of stories in which transgender students face discrimination at the hands of Hawaii public school officials underscores the need for fair and consistent treatment district-wide.