Uber: Promoting Competition And Innovation
The ride-hailing company says the taxi industry seeks to force Uber out of business with outdated regulations.

All Voices Matter in Defining Student Success in Hawaii
The state strategic plan for K-12 education is being updated and extended — a process that will only realize its potential with the input of all stakeholders.

TMT: Embracing A Future Not Defined By Our Past
The Thirty Meter Telescope’s commitment to future generations in our islands includes STEM scholarships and other college grants for Hawaii students.

An Open Letter To Todd Simmons On New Hope
Dismissing an entire body of good works over a single incident is unfair to a church made up of good people who want to be of service.

Finding Common Ground Between Oahu And Pakistan
Nearly half a world away from Honolulu, the capital city of Pakistan’s Punjab province has more in common with Hawaii than this writer expected.

Why Standardized Testing Needs To Be Abolished
One student who has experienced the heavy demands of standardized testing says in her view, the assessments are sorely lacking.

Mainland Poke: Disrespecting Our Culture Or Just Sharing Good Grindz?
As one of Hawaii’s most famous dishes pops up in more mainland restaurants, some here are wary of the trend. Don’t be.

Tom Yamachika: Fees For New Schools Push Up Housing Costs
Impact fees to build schools in high growth areas get passed along to all homebuyers there. Should they?

A Gig Economy Veteran Marks 20 Years As A Freelancer
Working as a self-employed professional has become hip, but survival depends on how well they can make a deal.

Why U.S. Fisheries Are A Global Model Of Sustainability
Management and conservation laws in place now for four decades benefit the Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific Ocean.