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Community Voice

Showing 10 of 2731 results.
Fishing Righteously In Kona For Generations To Come Via Wikimedia Commons

Fishing Righteously In Kona For Generations To Come

The establishment of a 10-year rest period for fishing will allow species to repopulate in a key area off the Hawaii Island coast.

Manager Vs. Mayor: For Maui, The Better Choice Is Clear Maui County Council

Manager Vs. Mayor: For Maui, The Better Choice Is Clear

The time is ripe and the needs are extensive to move to a local government led by a professional manager.

Protect Hawaii Residents, Veto Airbnb Bill Via Airbnb

Protect Hawaii Residents, Veto Airbnb Bill

A city where affordable housing is scarce and rentals are widespread offers Hawaii a lesson in properly regulating Airbnb and similar services.

Tom Yamachika: What Will We Do Next for Maui Hospital Workers? Chad Blair/Civil Beat

Tom Yamachika: What Will We Do Next for Maui Hospital Workers?

The union is just looking out for its members, but the Legislature had no business passing a bill to give hospital workers special treatment.

Why Public Schools Were The Right Choice For Our Son Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Why Public Schools Were The Right Choice For Our Son

Hawaii’s public schools already have much to offer. It’s time to add magnet schools to that list.

Solar Panels And Smart Grids: Our Energy Future Foretold Solucar PS10 vis Wikimedia Commons

Solar Panels And Smart Grids: Our Energy Future Foretold

Dynamic changes in the way we manage energy tomorrow may be liberating, if we don’t tether ourselves permanently to old ideas today.

Hurricane Precautions For Special Populations KITV

Hurricane Precautions For Special Populations

Sizable numbers of non-English speakers, tourists, kids and pets in Hawaii on any given day require specific strategies from emergency planners.

Deadbeat Donald? Courtesy: Ninian Reid/Flickr

Deadbeat Donald?

If The Donald is really the successful self-made rich guy he purports to be, why is his campaign running out of money?

Joint Fact-Finding Process Deserves Support In Kauai Nick Grube/Civil Beat/2014

Joint Fact-Finding Process Deserves Support In Kauai

Though criticized in recent weeks by agricultural interests, it remains a valid tool to help solve conflict over pesticides on the Garden Isle.

Who, Exactly, Will Ride Rail? How Do We Know? Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Who, Exactly, Will Ride Rail? How Do We Know?

An 8-year-old projection of ridership on Honolulu rail makes a lot of assumptions. If they’re flawed, we’re in trouble.