What #BernieOrBust Means To Me Now
An honest, logical examination of this writer’s support of Sanders now leads him to back Hillary Clinton — with a clean conscience.

What The City Doesn’t Want You To Know About Thomas Square
Oversight for the historic park is being transferred to the city’s Department of Enterprise Services. This writer says that’s a bad deal for the public.

HDOT Must Rethink Decision To Defer New Highway Projects
Taking a pass on new highway projects for as long as two decades won’t help Hawaii’s growing gridlock.

Hawaii’s Berniecrats: From Volunteers To Candidates
Sen. Bernie Sanders excited lots of supporters in the Aloha State. At least five are now running for office.

Creation Of Police Independent Review Board Is Progress
Hawaii’s legislation may not be perfect but it’s a good start.

Tom Yamachika: Is The State Holding Highway Projects Hostage?
The Hawaii Department of Transportation didn’t get the tax increase it sought, but does that mean it has to suspend its project plans?

We Can No Longer Ignore The Issues That Drive Us Apart
The events of the past eight days have revealed a nation adrift. To set a new course, we must accept the responsibilities of citizenship.

State Of Poverty: Recovery Has Left Too Many In Hawaii Behind
An updated report from Hawaii Appleseed shows more than one in six residents living in poverty and real unemployment topping 9 percent.

Liberal Arts Education Benefits Democratic Society
With the knowledge and preparation that a liberal arts education provides, students become better citizens and communities more successful.

Problems In Interior’s Rule On Hawaiian Home Lands
A new federal rule on Hawaiian home lands raises significant questions and fails to deliver on its promise of clarity.