Civil Beat Categories

Community Voice

Showing 10 of 2731 results.
TMT Is About Discovery But It’s Also About Jobs Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2015

TMT Is About Discovery But It’s Also About Jobs

The telescope project would have big impact in the scientific world, but also provide a big lift for the Hawaii Island economy.

All For Sustainability, But Not Monument Expansion Courtesy: Claire Fackler/NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries

All For Sustainability, But Not Monument Expansion

Expanding the Papahanaumokuakea monument will make fishers work harder for their catch and knock a hole in Hawaii’s economy.

Will Our Democracy Survive This Election? Yes, And Here’s How Kimo Sutton

Will Our Democracy Survive This Election? Yes, And Here’s How

Focusing on stopping government corruption could provide a healthy point of engagement for idealists and activists on the left and the right.

VA Still Failing Its Mission To Serve Veterans Via Wikimedia Commons

VA Still Failing Its Mission To Serve Veterans

The writer, a Vietnam veteran, charges that the old problem of long waits to see doctors has turned into a new problem: denied claims.

Here’s How To Do Sound Marine Management Cyril Fluck/Flickr

Here’s How To Do Sound Marine Management

The Kauai community of Haena provides a case study of how community practices can inform coastal stewardship.

Expanding Monument Would Set A Dangerous Precedent Courtesy: Kydd Pollock/U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Expanding Monument Would Set A Dangerous Precedent

The rush to establish the world’s largest marine protected area ignores the lack of scientific proof that doing so is a good idea.

TMT Should Be Embraced As Culmination Of Hawaiian Culture Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2015

TMT Should Be Embraced As Culmination Of Hawaiian Culture

Opponents, proponents of the telescope project too often talk past one another. It doesn’t need to be this way.

DNC Incident Shows Local Values in Uneasy Transition Chelsea Lyons Kent

DNC Incident Shows Local Values in Uneasy Transition

A Hawaii delegate who made an obscene gesture on national television should have expressed her indignation in other ways.

Break-Up Cash: How Should HEI Spend Its Windfall? Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Break-Up Cash: How Should HEI Spend Its Windfall?

Suggestions range from air conditioning classrooms to investing in renewables. Where should the $90 million go?

Sex Workers Organize For Right To Work Safely, Legally Civil Beat

Sex Workers Organize For Right To Work Safely, Legally

As workers rights’ movement grows in the sex industry, a Honolulu woman shares her thoughts on what needs to change.