Civil Beat Categories

Community Voice

Showing 10 of 2730 results.
Why I’m Not Willing To Accept Low Voter Turnout Brian Tseng/Civil Beat

Why I’m Not Willing To Accept Low Voter Turnout

Declining rates of participation in our democratic processes shouldn’t be taken lightly by anyone. We can change.

Tom Yamachika: Honolulu Rail Mythbusting, Part 2 Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Tom Yamachika: Honolulu Rail Mythbusting, Part 2

Who’s really paying the GET surcharge that goes to fund rail?

IUCN: Our Aina Needs An Old-Fashioned Hookena 鈥斅燗 Cleansing Wikimedia Commons

IUCN: Our Aina Needs An Old-Fashioned Hookena 鈥斅燗 Cleansing

Sometimes spiritual healing must take place before physical recovery is possible.

IUCN: Where Is The Concern Over Military’s Environmental Impact? Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2016

IUCN: Where Is The Concern Over Military’s Environmental Impact?

Despite the threats military activities pose to the natural world, surprisingly few panel discussions at IUCN broached the subject.

When Sex Offenders Fly Below The Radar

When Sex Offenders Fly Below The Radar

In cases where allegations of abuse were settled or the victim chooses not to press charges, abusers can hide in plain sight.

Education Listening Tours Prove The Value Of Being Heard Department of Education

Education Listening Tours Prove The Value Of Being Heard

Community meetings held to get input for the state education strategic plan have meaning beyond what was shared in those rooms.

IUCN: We Need Public Service Announcements About Climate Change Eric Pape/Civil Beat

IUCN: We Need Public Service Announcements About Climate Change

Seven types of weather and ocean conditions can be expected to return to Hawaii with increasing frequency and intensity as the world warms.

Tom Yamachika: Busting The Myths Of Honolulu Rail Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Tom Yamachika: Busting The Myths Of Honolulu Rail

How much does the GET surcharge add to a typical household budget? It does add up.

IUCN: Protecting A Way Of Life On The Last Hawaiian Island Walter Ritte

IUCN: Protecting A Way Of Life On The Last Hawaiian Island

Subsistence living on Molokai includes hunting, fishing and a deep regard for the island’s natural resources.

The Electoral Upside To Letting Trump Be Trump Via YouTube

The Electoral Upside To Letting Trump Be Trump

He gives voice to the racists, the xenophobes and the far-right fringe. Letting him speak freely helps ensure one good thing: He won’t be elected.