Tom Yamachika: Do Some Benefits For State Retirees Still Make Sense?
We need to be seriously thinking about a meaningful reform of what we promise our state workers after retirement.

Return Lindsey To The Office Of Hawaiian Affairs
The writer draws on years of experience with the OHA chair in recommending he be re-elected.

Donald Trump: The Celebrity Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Trump promises to bring back the good old days in exchange for unlimited power — the very definition of tyranny.

A Future Letter To The President: Can Love Be A Foreign Policy?
Looking past the election to next spring, this writer poses a policy change for our likely next president — a change with global implications.

Hawaii Must Move On Oral Health Programs For Keiki
It would be irresponsible not to intervene on behalf of Hawaii’s children, who are suffering from a lack of fluoride.

Long-Term Care: Policymakers Owe Working Families A Lifeline
Financial and emotional costs of providing long-term care for a loved one can be devastating. Helping meet them would help Hawaii.

A Fearless Wahine Who Will Ask The Tough Questions Of OHA
A lifelong friend of OHA Trustee candidate Mililani Trask, the writer calls her a champion for transparency, accountability and justice.

The Tao Of Wespac: Blankly Staring Into Eternity
Wespac’s response to charges of labor violations on fishing boats could be seen through an ancient Chinese philosophical lens. Or not.

Models To Address Housing Costs Exist; Who Will Look For Them?
Other areas have taken novel approaches to rent control and curbing non-resident home purchasing. What can we learn from them?

Honolulu Can See Its Rail Line Finished Without Raising Taxes
The city should consider transitioning HART to a private entity that maximizes opportunities to capture value from real estate along the route.