Support Medical Aid In Dying Legislation
We need to expand compassionate choices at end of life.

What Do We Do With Our Elderly?
The Kupuna Caregivers Assistance Bill will give families some relief.

Lights Out On Lanai
How a small island community made it through a total blackout that lasted days. And it wasn’t even a hurricane.

A Way We Can Help Hawaii’s Elders
We should teach the elderly how to use technology and media, the way we do with the younger generation.

Elderly Care: A Hilo Family鈥檚 Experience
Although my family must sacrifice their time and effort to take care of my grandparents, it鈥檚 a part of our culture to take pride in doing so.

Science Fair As Authentic Assessment
The only way to develop science efficacy and ownership is by letting go, and letting students figure it out on their own.

The Importance Of Long-Term Care For Families
It is crucial to provide some type of long-term care assistance for everyone because many families cannot manage on their own.

How We Talk To Our Kids About The President Matters
Empower the kids in your life to speak their mind and let them know that their voices deserve to be heard too.

Superintendent鈥檚 Leadership Style Justifies Top-Down Accountability
Kathryn Matayoshi’s reign has been considerably less than collaborative with teachers and principals.

The Untold Story: Grandma鈥檚 Long Years Of Caregiving
My grandmother took care of my great grandmother until she died at age 99.