Civil Beat Categories

Community Voice

Showing 10 of 2729 results.
Kupuna Caregivers Assistance Bill Helps Businesses Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Kupuna Caregivers Assistance Bill Helps Businesses

The bill is long overdue recognition of the unpaid labor of family members in ways that will help businesses retain experienced employees.

There’s Never A Good Time To Legalize Pot

There’s Never A Good Time To Legalize Pot

Letting the legalized pot genie out of the bottle will be the biggest mistake this state will ever make.

Hawaii Schools Model Respect, Inclusion For Transgender Students The Kumu Hina Project

Hawaii Schools Model Respect, Inclusion For Transgender Students

Hawaii’s embrace of transgender students is a legacy of both the state’s progressive political traditions and its Polynesian roots.

Calling Out The Anti-Science Denialists Flickr: CGP Grey

Calling Out The Anti-Science Denialists

The Legislature should not strangle what remains of Hawaii agriculture with redundant and pointless regulation.

Donald Trump: Zen Master Anthony Quintano/Civil Beat

Donald Trump: Zen Master

It is no surprise that the American people are struggling to understand the paradoxical statements of Master Trump.

Where Are Honolulu Rail’s Latest Financial Records? Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Where Are Honolulu Rail’s Latest Financial Records?

Many of HART’s numbers have been incorrect, incomplete and inconsistent. Now some of them are nonexistent.

Why We Need Kupuna Caregivers Assistance Bill Steve Mitchell

Why We Need Kupuna Caregivers Assistance Bill

A Hawaii businessman says mahalo to lawmakers for advancing the bill so far.


Tom Yamachika: Overhaul Of Taxes Still Alive In Legislature DonkeyHotey/

Tom Yamachika: Overhaul Of Taxes Still Alive In Legislature

An integrated approach to tax reform is interesting and thoughtful — and still on the table.

Remembering The Destruction Of A Community Wikimedia Commons

Remembering The Destruction Of A Community

Wednesday marked the 53 anniversary of a nuclear test that destroyed Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

Science, Religion And Spirituality On Mauna Kea Millicent Cummings

Science, Religion And Spirituality On Mauna Kea

With so much at stake, the TMT project most certainly begs more than just a question or two.