Airports Need Stronger Leadership, Not A New Oversight Board
Creating a costly, quasi-independent airport commission will only further hide problems at the airport and the multibillion-dollar modernization program.

Poverty Is A Statewide Epidemic
Passing the tax fairness bill will be an act of leadership in addressing the challenges we face in Hawaii.

State GOP Must Open Doors To Change
Hawaii Republican leaders seem more focused on their own survival than revitalizing the party.

Passing Aid-In-Dying Bill Would Be An Act Of Courage
It was no coincidence that Roe v. Wade was a judicial decision rather than a legislative one.

Vote-By-Mail Could Boost Election Turnout
Voter turnout in Hawaii was dead last among states in the last presidential election.

Extend Rail Tax, But Demand A More Transformative Vision
The Legislature must require the city to put ridership and development targets in place.

Why So-Called Illegal Care Homes Are Not Illegal
Our clients are simply renters who are getting home care services.

Trump: Another Broken Trust
It is evident that the President knows more than he’s聽saying about what took place between his campaign聽and the Russians.

A Better Way To Meet Hawaii’s Needs: Invest In Nature
Nature is essential to our well-being, and it offers solutions to some of the greatest economic and security challenges we face.

Sunshine Week: The Aloha State Still Struggles With Transparency
When the government won’t talk to you, the documents will. Eventually.