Civil Beat Categories

Community Voice

Showing 10 of 2729 results.
Airports Need Stronger Leadership, Not A New Oversight Board

Airports Need Stronger Leadership, Not A New Oversight Board

Creating a costly, quasi-independent airport commission will only further hide problems at the airport and the multibillion-dollar modernization program.

Poverty Is A Statewide Epidemic

Poverty Is A Statewide Epidemic

Passing the tax fairness bill will be an act of leadership in addressing the challenges we face in Hawaii.

State GOP Must Open Doors To Change Anthony Quintano/Civil Beat/2017

State GOP Must Open Doors To Change

Hawaii Republican leaders seem more focused on their own survival than revitalizing the party.

Passing Aid-In-Dying Bill Would Be An Act Of Courage Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2017

Passing Aid-In-Dying Bill Would Be An Act Of Courage

It was no coincidence that Roe v. Wade was a judicial decision rather than a legislative one.

Vote-By-Mail Could Boost Election Turnout Patti Epler/Civil Beat

Vote-By-Mail Could Boost Election Turnout

Voter turnout in Hawaii was dead last among states in the last presidential election.

Extend Rail Tax, But Demand A More Transformative Vision Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Extend Rail Tax, But Demand A More Transformative Vision

The Legislature must require the city to put ridership and development targets in place.

Why So-Called Illegal Care Homes Are Not Illegal Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Why So-Called Illegal Care Homes Are Not Illegal

Our clients are simply renters who are getting home care services.

Trump: Another Broken Trust Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Trump: Another Broken Trust

It is evident that the President knows more than he’s聽saying about what took place between his campaign聽and the Russians.

A Better Way To Meet Hawaii’s Needs: Invest In Nature Cory Lum/Civil Beat

A Better Way To Meet Hawaii’s Needs: Invest In Nature

Nature is essential to our well-being, and it offers solutions to some of the greatest economic and security challenges we face.

Sunshine Week: The Aloha State Still Struggles With Transparency Screenshot

Sunshine Week: The Aloha State Still Struggles With Transparency

When the government won’t talk to you, the documents will. Eventually.