In Birth Of Monk Seal, A Larger Signal Of Success
The Hawaiian species is rebounding, thanks to the Endangered Species Act.

So Long To The Old Goodwear Sign On Bishop Street
It’s just the latest in a sad series of memorable Honolulu landmarks to fade away.

Hawaiian Airlines Needs To Commit To Renewable Energy
The carrier flies a fuel-efficient aircraft fleet but seems uncommitted to biofuels.

A Solution For Rail Via Google And Wayne Gretzky
Honolulu should put electric vehicles on the guideway with the help of public-private partnerships.

Union Bill Would Raise The Accountability Bar For UH Administrators
Framing Senate Bill 410 as an uprising of unions is a way to divert attention from the facts.

Tom Yamachika: Carving Up The Price Of Car Rentals
A bill would blame the government rather than rental car companies for invoice taxes and fees.

Is Honolulu Rail Too Big To Fail?
In finding a way to pay for the over-budget project, government leaders should not ignore poorer taxpayers in favor of transportation contractors.

Hawaii Is Finally Letting The Sun Shine In
For the first time in 30 years, Hawaii’s Sunshine Law will be expanded to benefit public participation and access.

Phase Out Hawaii’s Exportation Of Reef Wildlife
A bill sitting on the governor’s desk will end aquarium permits — and that’s a good thing.

How A Hawaiian Canoe Can Be A Classroom
Voyagers inspired by Hokulea, including those of Wanana Paoa, are teaching younger generations to make our world a better place.