There Are Many Reasons To Oppose The Proposed ‘Education Tax’
Voters statewide should be wary of a constitutional amendment ballot question backed by the teachers’ union.
Tom Yamachika: Just Call It A Tax Already!
The title of a proposed ballot question raising property taxes to help Hawaii schools fails to disclose vital information.
Want Term Limits? A Con Con Is Your Only Hope
The Hawaii Legislature will never place such an amendment on the ballot because it’s not in its self-interest to do so.
A National Standard To Protect Oceans And Jobs
The Vessel Incidental Discharge Act targets the discharge of ballast water from boats.
Imagine The Absurd
Be careful what you wish for when it comes to “fake carbon neutrality.”
New Service Helps Public Access Public Records
And it’s free. Because democracy only works if the government operates with reasonable transparency.
The Failure Of Bulky Item Pickup In Makakilo
The neighborhood continues to suffer massive eyesores as the city system is abused.
Tom Yamachika: Stop Ignoring The City Auditor
If we intend to be serious about improving our government we cannot tolerate agencies thumbing their noses at the auditor.
Rescue Oahu’s Rail Project With Magnetic Levitation Technology
Reject the mantra from the city and HART that it’s too late to change from steel wheels on steel rails.
How An Oahu Doctor Struggles To Care For His Micronesian Patients
Fleeing rising sea levels and burdened with health problems, Hawaii’s newest immigrants now face “bigotry and backlash.”