Paid Leave Directly Contributes To Healthy Moms And Families
It is not a new idea and it works in other states. Our lawmakers should vote yes on the family and medical leave bills pending at the Legislature.
Angry Over Island Traffic Jams? Let’s Talk About Solutions
A major shift needs to be made away from personal cars as the primary mode of transportation.
Electric Utility Securitization Decision Hinges On How Funds Are Spent
But it should be used to lower the cost to customers for essential investments, not shift liability from the utility.
St. Francis School In Manoa Should Be Declared A Historic Property
The campus can be restored and preserved in perpetuity rather than be destroyed for yet another for-profit development.
Gun Lobbyists Like The NRA Are Lying To Hawaii Lawmakers
A proposed state Senate bill would — and should — close the assault rifle loophole.
Habitual Violent Misdemeanor Bill Necessary For Community’s Safety
It’s a pattern of behavior not being addressed by a justice system intended to protect people.
The Unintended Consequences of Amending Hawaii Condo Laws
The passage of proxy voting legislation would put all associations in a precarious position.
Habitual Offender Laws Are More Political Theater Than Crime Control
Punitive approaches to minor offenses will only exacerbate the challenges faced by Hawaii’s criminal justice system.
Amend Hawaii Condominium Laws On Proxy Board Voting
Associations are unable to assess infrastructure and prioritize maintenance and repair requirements.
Sanctity Of Life And The Second Amendment
Current gun laws are ineffective in an America where people are murdered every day.