Civil Beat Categories


Showing 10 of 6149 results.
What Is Really Being Sustained by 100 Percent Renewable Energy?

What Is Really Being Sustained by 100 Percent Renewable Energy?

Two UH economists raise concerns that subsidizing local alternative energy production might be a fiscal drain that is about paying off special interests.

Why Do We Tax Food in Paradise? Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Why Do We Tax Food in Paradise?

Hawaii has the most expensive food in the nation, and yet the regressive tax on food endures. That needs to change.

Monday Memo: Sex Ed, Kenoi’s Cronyism, Kippen’s Likely Departure

Monday Memo: Sex Ed, Kenoi’s Cronyism, Kippen’s Likely Departure

The Board of Education makes the right call on sexual education, Billy Kenoi faces another ethics charge and Colin Kippen could be out as homeless coordinator.

Tom Yamachika: Friends Don’t Let Friends Pay Higher Taxes

Tom Yamachika: Friends Don’t Let Friends Pay Higher Taxes

States like Indiana try to lure companies from elsewhere. Who should Hawaii want as its entrepreneurial friends?

Rail’s Deep Black Hole: Digging Out One Shovelful at a Time Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Rail’s Deep Black Hole: Digging Out One Shovelful at a Time

The need for enormous, ongoing subsidies for rail is daunting, but new bids for three rail stations show that HART can cut costs when it tries.

Progress on Renewable Energy Goal Requires Diligence ProVision Solar

Progress on Renewable Energy Goal Requires Diligence

A recent Public Utilities Commission refusal to approve eight new HECO solar energy farms rightly forced the utility to do a better job of explaining these projects.

Can Sustainability and Tourism Peacefully Co-exist in Hawaii? PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Can Sustainability and Tourism Peacefully Co-exist in Hawaii?

If we limit the use of our natural resources and educate the users — including tourists — we just might be around for the long haul.

Monday Memo: Kondo Survives, HSTA Elects, Schatz Shines Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Monday Memo: Kondo Survives, HSTA Elects, Schatz Shines

In this week’s memo: The state ethics chief’s rocky review, the teachers union’s reform election and the headline-grabbing hustle of Sen. Brian Schatz.

How Certain Is Hawaii’s Future With the Military? Cory Lum/Civil Beat

How Certain Is Hawaii’s Future With the Military?

Congressional leaders in particular need to work harder to make sure the military presence in Hawaii remains strong.

Tom Yamachika: Where’s the Tax Stamp on that Eggplant? PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Tom Yamachika: Where’s the Tax Stamp on that Eggplant?

The nicotine content of eggplant is something to be considered in light of Hawaii’s rush to tax … everything.