The Flaws In The Airbnb Bill Call For A Gubernatorial Veto
A loophole letting hosts illegally offer campsites on public beaches as vacation rentals is reason enough to reject this problematic bill.
An Open Letter To Todd Simmons On New Hope
Dismissing an entire body of good works over a single incident is unfair to a church made up of good people who want to be of service.
Finding Common Ground Between Oahu And Pakistan
Nearly half a world away from Honolulu, the capital city of Pakistan’s Punjab province has more in common with Hawaii than this writer expected.
Health Beat: Errors In Medicine — Confessions Of A Flawed Doctor
Mistakes are going to happen, but the industry could do far more to make sure that physicians learn from the missteps of their colleagues.
Why Standardized Testing Needs To Be Abolished
One student who has experienced the heavy demands of standardized testing says in her view, the assessments are sorely lacking.
Reader Rep: This Is Why Journalists Need To Name Names
The combination of secretive state officials and reporters too willing to keep names secret helps keep us in the dark.
2016 Legislature: A Session Of Progress — For The Most Part
Lawmakers didn’t address all the issues Hawaii needed, but on school AC, affordable housing and more, they made a welcome difference.
Mainland Poke: Disrespecting Our Culture Or Just Sharing Good Grindz?
As one of Hawaii’s most famous dishes pops up in more mainland restaurants, some here are wary of the trend. Don’t be.
Tom Yamachika: Fees For New Schools Push Up Housing Costs
Impact fees to build schools in high growth areas get passed along to all homebuyers there. Should they?
Fatal Flaws Mean Senate Must Say No To TPP Agreement
Watered down protections for workers and the environment, and a controversial dispute resolution process, undermine what could have been a historic trade deal.