Vicky Cayetano: Hawaii’s Nonprofits Need To Make Tough Choices To Survive
A nonprofit label means an organization is tax-exempt but doesn’t mean that it can afford to operate at less-than-optimal efficiencies.
Danny De Gracia: Josh Green Has Big Shoes To Fill As Governor
When he was LG, Green benefited from being able to play governor without the actual heavy lifting of being governor. All of that changes now.
Josh Green Can Find Inspiration In Past Inaugural Addresses
The new governor of Hawaii would do well to consider the words of his eight predecessors.
John Pritchett: Weather Report
Nearly 40 years after its last eruption, Mauna Loa — the world’s largest active volcano — is putting on a show and potentially threatening Big Island infrastructure.
Catherine Toth Fox: Keeping Guns Away From ‘Sensitive Places’ Isn’t About Violating Rights
Honolulu City Council Bill 57, which passed its first reading on Tuesday, is aimed at keeping people safe.
Are Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Harmful To Humans?
GBHs are used in Roundup-like products that manufacturers claim are safe. But recent studies raise serious concerns about that.
Neal Milner: Will Our New Governor Be A Truth-Teller Or A Truth-Skater?
So many projects go off the rails in Hawaii, we need leaders who are brutally honest even if the news is bad.
Reflections On The Respect For Marriage Act
When Baehr v. Lewin was filed in 1991 in Hawaii, same-sex marriage was considered an oxymoron.
Understanding OHA’s Plans For Kakaako Makai
Connection to the land is the foundation of who Native Hawaiians are.
Chad Blair: The Hawaii Legislature’s New And (Mostly) Improved Website
It has not been updated in over a decade, and there are still tech fixes to be worked through.