Civil Beat Categories


Showing 10 of 2864 results.
Denby Fawcett: Death, Hawaii Style — Confusing and Sometimes Costly Nanette Napoleon

Denby Fawcett: Death, Hawaii Style — Confusing and Sometimes Costly

The way we handle the remains of the dead has changed greatly — and in some intriguing ways — over the last century.

Health Beat: The Psychology of a School Shooter Screen capture

Health Beat: The Psychology of a School Shooter

By the time we recognize the warning signs, it is usually too late. So what can be done?

Asia Matters: Learning From Countries Without Mass Shootings

Asia Matters: Learning From Countries Without Mass Shootings

Japan and Australia offer instructive alternatives to the U.S. when it comes to avoiding such slaughter.

Hawaii Monitor: Shifting the Sands to Evade Waikiki’s Zoning Limits PF Bentley/Civil Beat

Hawaii Monitor: Shifting the Sands to Evade Waikiki’s Zoning Limits

The hotel company Kyo-ya is using a nonexistent shoreline to get around restrictions on building heights.

Denby Fawcett: Five Things to Know About Kamehameha the Great

Denby Fawcett: Five Things to Know About Kamehameha the Great

Some things to think about when you’re celebrating King Kamehameha Day on Wednesday.

Health Beat: Learning From a Sitcom Actress’ Deadly Fall Brady Bunch screen capture

Health Beat: Learning From a Sitcom Actress’ Deadly Fall

Ann Davis, the actress who played “The Brady Bunch” maid, died from an avoidable danger.

Neal Milner: Taking Political Debates Less Seriously

Neal Milner: Taking Political Debates Less Seriously

Debates in Hawaii are often tedious, even embarrassing. Candidates need the courage to really connect with voters.

Denby Fawcett: Mayor’s Proposal to Keep the Homeless Moving Denby Fawcett

Denby Fawcett: Mayor’s Proposal to Keep the Homeless Moving

Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell says a new law would help get homeless off the streets in Waikiki.

Kathleen Kozak: Post-Shinseki, the Big VA Care Problem Remains

Kathleen Kozak: Post-Shinseki, the Big VA Care Problem Remains

Veterans still need to be able to get in to see a doctor. That’s a problem when there aren’t enough doctors.

Asia Matters: Hawaii Might Learn From Indian Leader on Solar Power

Asia Matters: Hawaii Might Learn From Indian Leader on Solar Power

India’s new prime minister has a passion for alternative energy that could make the South Asian nation a source of innovation on renewables — and worthy of our attention.