Some Reform Bills Are Simply Ignored Until They Die — And They Start Dying Friday
While certain measures are torpedoed with intention, others never even get a public hearing.
Denby Fawcett: 3 Good Reasons Not To Legalize Marijuana
Hawaii already faces many serious problems including a housing crisis and the aftermath of the Maui fires. Why add to the problems?
John Hill: Another Horrifying Child Death And Another Set Of Questions For The State
The details of the state’s involvement in placing and overseeing 10-year-old Geanna Bradley are still hazy. What can we conclude so far?
Ben Lowenthal: Many States Are Moving To Shorten Probation Periods. Hawaii Isn’t One Of Them
Lengthy probation periods can be detrimental to families and community and to chances of reintegrating offenders.
John Hill: The State Placed A Foster Teen With A Young, Single Man — And Failed To Tell Her Mom
Sarah Coultas only found out about the placement by chance two and a half months later, despite a state regulation requiring parents to be informed.
Neal Milner: When Legislative Oversight Actually Works
A hearing last week with the DHHL director showed what happens when grandstanding and acrimony are put aside.
Naka Nathaniel: The Issue Of Inequality Really Rankles Hawaii
But there’s one thing the rich can’t buy here — a sense of belonging.
Danny De Gracia: Think Carefully Before You Create Property Taxes To Fund Education
Funding public education with property taxes needs a deeper discussion many are not prepared for in Hawaii.
Lee Cataluna: When A Horrific Crime No Longer Horrifies Us
Let the acid attack on the young Chinese teacher be the lowest point before citizens start taking Honolulu back.
Jonathan Okamura: Local Identity Means A Lot More Than Eating Plate Lunches And Wearing Rubber Slippers
As a group, haoles are not viewed as local by locals, but many are in Hawaii because they love the islands and its people.